Newsletter for the week ending Friday 25th October
Last week it was Key Stage 2 celebrating harvest with you and this week it has been Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Thank you for your donations that we will be taking to a homeless charity later today.
Another busy week, including school trips for various classes, so please do read the Around the Classes section later in this post to see what has been happening this week in your child’s class.
Cake sale today after school after school on the bottom playground. Please click here to see the poster made by our (newly appointed) cake sales Director of Marketing and Coms. Cake donation to the school office on Friday 25th please. Thank you.
Dates for the diary:
- Multi-sport holiday camp at Atlantic Racquet Centre, Bideford, during October half term – see here
- Messy play for children (and siblings of) with SEND, 1.30-2.30pm 30th October, Bideford Family Centre, Victoria Park, Bideford
- Two Rivers Forest School Halloween stay and play in the woods 31st October – see here
- Girls only football day camp, 31st October, Barnstaple, see here
- Stories and Fun, 10am-11am Saturday 1st November, Bideford Family Centre, Victoria Park, Bideford
- Sport, drama and music scholarship application for year 7 entry into West Buckland School deadline 6th November – see here
- Halloween Disco, Dolphins-Year 2 5-6pm, Year 3-6 6.30-7.30pm, Friday 8th November, school hall. Tickets on sale in the playground after school on Friday
- Wear spots and stripes for Children in Need, Thursday 14th November, a day early due to school photos on official Children in Need day!
- School photos 15th of November. If you want a photo to include siblings who don’t attend Appledore School these photos will be taken 8-9am.
- Year 3-6 Christmas Service, afternoon of Friday 20th December, St Mary’s Church (time to be confirmed)
- Christmas fair, after school, Friday 13th December in the car park
Have a lovely weekend everybody
Wishing you all a good half term and we look forward top welcoming you back on Monday 4th November
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have been finding out about Harvest and how people celebrate this. We loved performing our Harvest songs to you. On Thursday we made apple crumble and it was delicious. Today we found out about how a combine harvester works and we made our own combine harvesters using tubes.
An amazing week in Year 1 to finish the first half term! Our trip to the Wildlife park was fantastic and the children thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the different animals. They were able to share their learning from this term on animals and found out some amazing new facts as well. Seeing the new Amur Leopard and hearing the wolves howling was a highlight. Some photos of our trip are on google classroom, please use the log in details in the front of their reading records to have a look. We have written a recount of our trip to finish our writing for this term. On Thursday we enjoyed our second session in the art studio using different tone pencils to make patterns and lines. We then used different pens to create zentangle patterns. The children were so excited about finishing off the week with our Harvest festival celebration. Hope you have a fantastic half term!
Year 2 had a great time at Rosemoor this week. They found out about signs of animals living in the garden and had a chance to go out into the woods to find different animals – they even found some newts! They played in the woodland area and it was great to see them having fun and working together. Thank you to the parents who helped on the trip. In English, they have written their own versions of ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’. These are brilliant and everyone has worked so hard to use all the skills they have learnt. We will make books with them after the half term break, so please look out for these. In Maths, they have been adding and subtracting one digit number from two digit numbers. We wish you all a relaxing half term break and thank you for all your support this half term.
No sooner have we finished harvest we launch headlong into Christmas! With this in mind, in music this week, the children explored the time signature and rhythms of different styles of music. They clapped the rhythms and explored what happens when different counts of the bar are emphasized. After half term, they will learn more about these styles, learn songs in these styles and explore the dances associated with them. If
I tell you it will include the waltz and salsa and that a glitter all has been rigged in school, you can probably guess where we are going with this. Some members of year 5 will be bringing home scripts before half term. Any help you can give with the learning of lines will be greatly appreciated. Smaller parts will follow so that every child in year 5 will have a role with which they are comfortable.
Year 3 have had a wonderful last week of the half term. In Maths, we have been learning how to calculate addition and subtraction calculations using the column method. In English, we have been writing our own interviews of different animals. We have been challenging ourselves to portray the animal’s personality through our writing by using different sentence types. In Science, we created our own shadow puppet shows. We based our puppet shows on the story Lord of the Forest, and used our knowledge on how shadows change shape when the distance between the light source and the object changes to tell the story. In Computing, we continued our learning on Scratch and created a sequence of connected commands.
In Year 4 this week, the children are writing their own story of a film we watched called The Girl and the Fox. The children are trying really hard to include powerful adjectives, short simple sentences and figurative language to create a tense and suspenseful atmosphere. In Maths, we have come to the end of addition and subtraction and the children will move onto finding the area of rectangles and rectilinear shapes after half term. We looked at the most efficient method for adding and subtracting and we looked at how to use the inverse to check our answers. In Science, we looked at what evaporation means and designed an investigation to see where the best place is across the school to dry our clothes. In Computing, we finished learning about what the internet and the World Wide Web is and how they are different. In Geography, we have come to the end of sustainability and the children designed a poster showing what they had learnt about this topic. Have a lovely restful half term everyone!
Year 5 had three fantastic days at St George’s House. They showed how responsible they could be by working as a team to keep their bedrooms amazingly tidy, clearing away after each meal and then packing up on the last day. They were noted for their kindness and honesty in all the activities and demonstration of how resilient they had become when facing new challenges. It was a memorable time. Thank you to the staff who supported the group and gave their time to make this happen. For the rest of this week we are using the photographs to create a slideshow of our time (these will be shared at home once completed). Have a restful break and recharge ready for the exciting challenges for next half term.
Year 6 have been finalising ideas and concepts about Climate Change this week in Geography and Literacy, and trying evaluate the impact of it as well as looking at strategies moving forward. In maths, they have been using squared, cubed and prime numbers in order to recognise them and use them to problem solve. They have also revised skills in long multiplication. In Science, the bread experiment is going well: mould is appearing and we will look forward to seeing further development after the holidays! In PE, it was great to see some solid teamwork in handball. I would however like to remind children of the need for PE kit – at least one third of the class either didn’t have a full PE kit, or had shoes missing. Please ensure PE kits are in school each day.