
Newsletter for the week ending Friday 20th May
20 May 2022

Before you read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes, please check your diary for the following dates:

  • Friday 27th May – children wear red, white and blue for the jubilee
  • Friday 24th June – sports day (weather permitting of course). Years 1-6 all day and Reception in the afternoon. More details to follow

Great Torrington School are delighted to offer Year 5 pupils the opportunity to spend a day experiencing life at GTS. Our Year 5 Day is Friday 8th July 2022. Pupils will engage in a range of activities, culminating with an afternoon of sports. Parents/carers are welcome to observe and meet with the staff. For any enquiries, or to reserve a place, call 01805 623531 or email

At The Big Sheep on Sunday 5th June (1pm-5.30pm) there is the free North Devon BIG Community Picnic & Celebration in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  The event includes family attractions, giant tea party picnic, live music, and outdoor Church service with guest speaker. For more information: and to book:


Over the summer free sports and multi-activities are being run at Bideford College for children. To find out more and if you are eligible, please click here.

We wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all of the children and staff


In Turtles and Dolphins this week we have been looking at the environment closer to home. We have focused on rock pools. We had a great time rock pooling on Tuesday and we found many different creatures. We compared the rock pool habitat to the coral reef. We have also started a large under the sea collage picture that will be put up on display in the main corridor.

In Year 1 we have finished our lift the flap minibeast books and have started a new book in our Literacy lessons this week which has lots of questions in it so we have had a go at writing our own questions. We have used pictures from other stories to inspire our questions and even started to write some answers to our questions, making them as interesting or funny as we can. In Maths we have recapped counting in 2s and 5s and will be moving onto multiplication next! We have nearly finished our E-Safety posters and are planning to show these to Reception next week and teach them some facts about staying safe online. In our Oceans topic we have been learning about the different layers of the ocean and started to think about what we might find in the ocean.

Year 2 have worked really hard this week on their reading and maths assessments – well done everyone! In English, they have written amazing stories based on ‘The Dragon Machine’. There are fairy machines, dinosaur machines, pixie machines, phoenix machines and many more! In Maths they have begun to look at measuring using centimetres and metres. Next week in Maths they will be telling the time on a traditional clock – look out for the telling the time challenges that will be coming over the half term break. In Science, they carried out an experiment to find out what material would be best to make a dragon machine to fly through the rain. They had great fun testing all the different materials with water and were great at discussing their ideas using science vocabulary such as ‘waterproof’ and ‘absorbent’. In Values, they read the book ‘Almost Anything’ which fits in with the ‘Being Positive’ value.  Everyone is looking forward to the trip on the Burrows next Tuesday, which you should have received an email about – please let us know if you haven’t received it.

Year 3 continued with their piece of physical theatre and have reached the climax of the narrative. They also delivered a speech in French where they introduced and described themselves. Year 4 continued their exploration of Pentecost and revised all their French vocabulary so they can talk about themselves. Year 5 began choreographing a paired motif to add to our class dance. They also completed a piece of drama which explored the story of the Centurion’s Servant through a sequence of dramatic tableaux with limited dialogue. Year 6 considered the world’s problems and looked how recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize have sought to resolve them.

This week Seahunter have been learning how to order fractions on a number line, write tenths as decimals and find fractions of an amount in Maths. In English, they have been recapping complex sentences and prepositional phrases focusing on correct use of a comma. In Science, the children have been learning about the male and female parts of plants and have drawn and labelled flowers. The children thoroughly enjoyed their trip on the ferry from Appledore to Instow and walking along the Tarka Trail looking at aspects of the river. They were polite and respectful in the Burton Art Gallery where they learnt about the restructure of the bridge – well done Year 3!

HMS Echo have been fabulous historians and authors this week. They explored the work of Lord Shaftesbury who changed conditions for working children during Victorian times and wrote letters to him from a child, thanking him for the changes. They learnt about the laws that he introduced through Parliament and the impact they had, such as the 1875 mines act banning women or anyone under 15 from working in a mine. In English, they completed some amazing quest stories in the style of the Firebird, which they will be publishing as books next week.

Year 5 have continued with their work on angles by finding the angles of triangles.  They have also completed a multiplication investigation with a visiting teacher.  We have found out what happened next with Shackleton and his crew and have been busy writing diary entries.  In science we have been comparing life cycles and learning more about the reproduction of plants.  Tennis and cricket skills continue to improve with the guidance of the coaches.  The Lundy ambassadors came into class to tell us more about the island before our trip there next month.  The last group have made their scones (cheese or fruit) with Mrs Evans.  Next half term we plan to visit Kingsley School to make pizzas.

Year 6 have enjoyed a more relaxed week this week. They have been planning stories for the text ‘Ice Bear’ and enjoying some investigations in maths. The maths has required a different kind of thinking where it’s not always easy to get an answer and there is not one set way of working – they are gradually adjusting their skills. We had the Lundy Ambassadors in to talk about their trip and to highlight some of the magnificent wildlife they hope to see. They have roles for the play now and lines to learn – so please encourage children to do this at home. Thank you for all the responses for the Wake Park – it looks like we have plenty of room in cars sp I will let you know what they plan is as soon as possible.

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