
Newsletter for the week ending Friday 11th October
11 October 2024

Harvest festival rehearsals are fully underway. Please see below for the details. Each year we collect donations of ‘harvest’ that we donate to Harbour ‘hope for homeless’ charity. If you want to make a donation, please hand it in to our school office from Monday 21st October

Do you know anyone who might be interested in the following school vacancies? For more information see here 

School cleaner, term time only, 2 hours per day (3.30-5.30pm or could be later start if required), Monday to Friday. £11.59 per hour (pay increase pending) and to start asap

Meal Time Assistant and Kitchen Assistant, 2 hours per day (12pm-1pm supporting children on the playground and 1pm-2pm clearing the kitchen), Monday to Friday. £11.59 per hour (pay increase pending) and to start Monday 4th November or as soon as possible thereafter.

Flu vaccinations will take place in school on the 4th of November for children in Dolphins/Reception to Year 6. If you haven’t already, please complete the form available here, even if you do not want your child to take part. Our school code is DV113125

Dates for the diary:

  • Years 3-6 Harvest Festival, 2.15pm, Wednesday 16th October at St Mary’s Church
  • Turtles and Dolphins Harvest Festival, 2.45pm Tuesday 22nd October in the school hall
  • Years 1&2 harvest festival, 2.30pm Friday 25th October, school hall
  • Messy play for children (and siblings of) with SEND, 1.30-2.30pm 30th October, Bideford Family Centre, Victoria Park, Bideford
  • Two Rivers Forest School Halloween stay and play in the woods 31st October  – see here
  • Stories and Fun, 10am-11am Saturday 1st November, Bideford Family Centre, Victoria Park, Bideford
  • Halloween Disco, Dolphins-Year 2 5-6pm, Year 3-6 6.30-7.30pm, Friday 8th November, school hall. Tickets on sale in the playground after school on Friday
  • School photos 15th of November. If you want a photo to include siblings who don’t attend Appledore School these photos will be taken 8-9am.
  • Year 3-6 Christmas Service, afternoon of Friday 20th December, St Mary’s Church (time to be confirmed)
  • Christmas fair, after school, Friday 13th December in the car park

Have a lovely weekend everybody

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have been learning about Autumn. We have looked at what happens in autumn and linked this to the clothes that we wear, the celebrations that we have and what happens in the world around us. We have found out what hibernation means and what the animals are doing to get ready to hibernate. We have played with conkers and made leaf prints.

This week in Year 1 we have started our new book ‘My day at the Zoo’. We really enjoyed reading it and finding out which animals were at the zoo. We are really looking forward to our trip to the wildlife park in a few weeks. In maths this week we have completed our unit on place value to 10, finishing with ordering numbers and using number lines. The children enjoyed dance this week where we started to learn a harvest dance to traditional music. We will continue with this next week. We have been practising our songs for the harvest festival with Year 2 and we are sounding fantastic! Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 have had another great week. In Maths, they have been remembering number bonds to 10 and then using these to find number bonds to 20 and 100. In English, they looked at the book ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ and completed different activities to get to know the book well such as: washing toy mammoths; putting pictures in order and interviewing each other. In their Geography work, they looked at maps of Appledore and found out how the different land and buildings are used. They are looking forward to going to Rosemoor on 22nd October. Please return the SOE3 form as soon as possible if you have not done so already.

In RE, year 3 looked at the story of The Fall and considered how evil came into the world. Year 4, looked at how Subhah beads can be used to help a Muslim pray. Year 5, looked at how a person’s duties or dharma can change over the course of a life. Year 6, looked at the importance of reflection and family time to a Jewish family and thought about how they could incorporate times of peace and reflection in their own lives. In Music, we have just about completed rehearsals for our harvest service and look forward to sharing it with you next week. Thank you for all the help with costumes. Please send them into school on Monday in a named bag.

Year 3 have had a wonderful week! In Maths, we revised adding and subtracting ones, tens and hundreds, and then used all of our learning to answer some word problems. In English, we read the snow leopard and polar bear interviews from the book, Interview with a Tiger. We then used noun phrases to describe a snow leopard, and then wrote our own character description. In Geography, we learnt all about the four layers of a tropical rainforest. In outdoor learning, we then explored the differences between tropical and temperate rainforests. In Computing, we created a sequence of connected commands in our own project on scratch and then looked at each other’s projects to see what they had done really well and what they could do to improve it. In our Value’s lesson, we explained why we have rules and then suggested a range of rules for different settings.

In Year 4 this week, the children have started learning about a new book in English called Little Evie in the Wild Wood where we have been learning and remembering a few pages and practising writing to create a tense and suspenseful atmosphere. We have been unpicking the book and looking for good examples of adjectives and figurative language. In Maths, we have moved onto addition and subtraction where the children been working on the column method. In Geography, we looked at the country Nepal and how solar cookers there are an example of sustainable development. In Computing, we looked at what the world wide Web is and how this is different to the Internet. The children also took part in some outdoor learning where they analysed how Appledore School is sustainable.

Year 5 has had a very scientific week. They have been using their biography skills to write about the women scientists Mary Seacole, Mary Anning, Marie Curie and Ada Lovelace. Our science lessons have been looking at methods to separate mixtures. The class enjoyed their investigation on separating a range of mixtures using filtering, sieving, decanting, magnetism and evaporation. Our maths work has looked at finding multiples, common multiples and factors. We have started to prepare for the class residential and further information can be found on Google classroom. Please could harvest festival costumes come into the class, on Monday, ready for use on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Year 6 have started applying their skills to addition and subtraction this week – refining skills and looking to use efficient methods. They are trying to unpick more wordy questions, to see what they actually have to do, and then thinking about what they already know that can help them. In Literacy, they are still writing their own pieces and editing them – we hope to share a few soon. In science, they have developed their own curious creature and had to classify it, and in Geography they were finding out how climate change in Greenland was met by opposing views from two people who had different experiences.

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