Newsletter for the week ending 5th March 2021
We look forward to receiving all children back on Monday 8th March. For the details fore full reopening, please click here and to find out what has been going on in and around the classes please read on…
Best wishes from
Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff.
This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have finished off our topic ‘Superheroes’. We have discussed and invented new Superheroes. We drew pictures of them, made up names for them and talked about their powers. We also made vehicles for them. At the end of the week we talked about Superheroes who live in our community such as Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters and Police Officers.
This week in Year 1 we have been busy finishing off our current units of work ready to welcome all the other Sealions back on Monday. We have been learning about counting in 2s and 5s in maths. The children have been using these counting skills to solve problems in a range of different contexts. In writing, we have been learning about writing instructions. The children have used a cloud maker video to inspire them to write their own set of instructions. The children have planned their instructions on how to make a different kind of weather. They have used their imaginations to think of magical objects which might help them to achieve this. On Thursday it was World Book Day and the children in school and a home enjoyed undertaking a range of activities linked to different books. I particularly enjoyed looking at the children’s version of Supertato made from real potatoes. Some of the adventures were very funny. Have a restful weekend and I can’t wait to welcome all the children back into school on Monday.
Lundy Puffins have had another great week. In English, they have looked at the way the sentences are written in the Amelia Earhart biography and tested out some of their own sentences. They completed some research into the author Julia Donaldson in preparation for writing a class biography about her. In Maths, they have continued to learn about division and are beginning to link this to their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10x tables. On Monday afternoon they spent some time in the sunshine making bird feeders from apples and seeds. On World Book Day, they had fun designing book marks and completing book quizzes. Mrs Bannister even read them a story ‘virtually’. Children in school should have received their £1 book token which can be exchanged for one of the World Book Day books in most large supermarkets. Children returning to school will receive their token on Monday. Finally, Mrs Smale and I (Mrs Stanbury) would like to say a very big well done to children working at home for their resilience and commitment to completing their online learning. We’d also like to say a very big thank you to parents and carers for all their support with online learning. We are very much looking forward having all the children back together again on Monday.

This week in Year 4, the children have had our trainee teacher Miss Grigg teaching them for Maths and some of the afternoon lessons. The children were really engaged in their Science lesson making string telephones, where they discovered that the sound travelled best when the string was taut! They also spent time in the woods making bird feeders using apple, seeds and string! In Maths, we have completed our unit ‘fractions’ and will be moving onto ‘decimals’ next week. For English, we have been learning how to write adverbials, and practising our direct speech skills. The class have made acrostic poems and wordles about who or what inspires them. It was lovely to see lots of faces on our Google Meet on World Book Day, and we are all looking forward to seeing all of the children in school on Monday!
Year 5 have been visiting Pandora this week for literacy and are now advertising some great holiday experiences. In maths, after more subtracting fractions, we have moved to multiplying fractions. Science has involved looking at constellations – we need some lovely clear skies to take a proper look! In computing, we have created vector drawings with backgrounds and layers – some of them are so complicated and amazing! In art, we have been learning about photography and explored with light and using plastic as a filter. We really enjoyed World Book Day and loved sharing stories. We are excited to be seeing each other next week. If you are at home, don’t forget to bring your screaming mandrake in for art on Tuesday
This week year 6 have been learning more on algebra and solving equations. We look forward to our lesson on a Friday when we have to do many mathematical clues to solve a mystery.
In English we have invented a new machine and then written a detailed explanation text to go with it. We have also joined in with the BBC Live lesson for World Book Day. It was great to see the school name appear on the screen.
In science we have been learning more about the scientists Rachel Carson and George Washington Carver. They were both inspirational people.
Our Spanish this week recapped numbers and then being able to say our birthday month. We are excited about getting Spanish penfriends, this will really help us improve our Spanish skills.
Reporters: Anthony and Zach