
Newsletter for the week ending 3rd February
3 February 2017

Please read on to find out what has been happening…

School Netball Team Report

Girls from Y5 and Y6 went to Bideford Collage on Wednesday 1st February to play Hi 5 netball. There were 3 other schools there; Abbotsham, Kingsley and St Mary’s. We played 6 games because we played each school twice and came third out of all of them. We drew twice and won once. It was a very good experience even though we didn’t win.

Sport reporters Evie and Rhi

Non-Uniform Day
On Friday 10th of February (the last day before half term) we will be having a non-school uniform day. The contribution from each pupil will be 50p, this will be going to support the North Devon Hospice. The hospice are inviting lots of local schools and companies to take part in this fundraising day to help them continue to provide specialist care and support to
local families affected by life limiting illness

Around the Classes
Kung Hei Fat Choi, Happy New Year! This week in FSU we have travelled further around the world to China and Hong Kong. Freya and her Daddy spoke to us about Chinese New Year. We have made lanterns, lucky red envelopes, painted roosters as it is the year of the rooster and had a go at writing in Chinese using black paint. We found out about the Chinese New Year story and had a go at acting it our using masks. We have also listened to some Chinese music and moved like a dragon.

Year 1 started this week with a talk from Mollie’s Dad about working at the life boat station. It was really interesting and we are really grateful to him for coming in. We have all chosen the job that we will write about in our non-fiction book and have chosen the sub-headings that will be in our book. We are now writing the information to go inside the book. Thank you for all your hard work with the homework task this week, it has really helped with our writing. In Maths we have continued our work with money, we have solved problems such as working out what coins might be in a purse if the total is 10p. Our assembly to the rest of the school went really well, everyone worked very hard. Kay has continued our work on Chinese New Year by having a party with Barnaby Bear.

Lundy Puffins worked with Year One this week to tell the rest of the school about Chinese New Year in an assembly. They read facts, told the story, acted and sang superbly. Well done everyone! With Kay, they learned more about Chinese New Year and had a go at making folded dragons. In English, they are writing their instructions for how to wash an animal. There are some really imaginative ideas. In Maths, they looked at money and investigated different combinations of coins they could use to pay for an item. Next week we will be moving on to multiplication and division, so keep practising the 2 times

Seahunter have had a great week of learning and some great story writing but the highlight of the week was our trip to Rosemoor on Tuesday. The children took part in a rocks and soils workshop, finding out about igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks as well as how soil is made. They worked very hard as scientists to test soils, using sieves to sort the soil and test tubes to mix them and found out how acid they are. It was great to see the children using teamwork skills and working so carefully to follow instructions. In the afternoon, the had chance to play in the Brash play area. They had great fun despite being rather soggy!

HMS Echo have been continuing wth their focus on writing a quest story: their own sotry has now been planned, ready to write next week. In Maths, they have been focusng on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 incuding decimal numbers. They have begun to focus on electricity, with everyone managing to get their bulb to light, problem solving well when it didin’t ‘work’ first time. They have begun to learn some songs which have been giving them information about life in Roman Times. Reminder please to return any paperwork about the trip to Exeter after half term and the Bikeability session being
planned for the Summer Term. Thank you.

Over this week in Year 5, Literacy has involved securing punctuation that we have learnt. Maths has explored comparing fractions and converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers. We have collected more evidence on the planets in our solar system and have attempted to make relative size models of the planets – this is quite tricky and some balloons did pop, part way through! Watch out for the letter about our trip to @Bristol, where we will go in the Planetarium, to further our knowledge on Space.

This week has been a normal one, we completed the regular tasks: English, maths, reading, ICT and P.E. In English we’ve started our block on explanatory writing. In maths we have done adding whole fractions and numbers and some algebra. We have also done our 30min daily read where we read for 20mins then read a bit of Wonder, our current book. In ICT we have worked on our coding term in which we have done LOGO Academy. Finally, in P.E we have done gymnastics (as we do every Wednesday).By Yr 6 class reporters, William and Laurence.

Best wishes,
Jeremy Cooper and all of the staff and children.

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