
Newsletter for the week ending 27th November
27 November 2020

Usually we raise as a school about £40 selling remembrance merchandise, but this year we raised nearly £250 for this worthy cause. Thank you to you and Amy in Year 6 for organising the sale of it.

The Christmass hoops are now up in our main corridor and children can wear their Christmas jumpers each Friday during December for a £1 donation that we will pass to the air ambulance.

If you child wants to give Christmas cards to their friends, please ensure they are brought in before Friday 12th December and we will store them until it is safe to distrubute them the following week.

Christmas dinner is on 9th December December. If you haven’t already booked, please do so asap because orders must be in by Friday 4th December.

Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes…

Best wishes

Jeremy Cooper




Morrisons, Bideford, are running a snowflake competition and there is a £30 prize for the winning entry. The children are asked to make colourful and imaginative snowflakes to decorate the windows of Morrisons. Please take in your snowflake to customer services by 4th December along with school name, pupil name and contact number. If you need more infomration, please call 07900 486131 

Have you ever thought of teaching as a career? Devon Primary SCITT is an Ofsted reated ‘Outstanding’ training programme and they are holding open evenings. For more information please click here


This week Turtles and Dolphins have finished off our learning about Diwali and India. We have looked at the animals we might find in India and in particularly the Indian elephants. We have compared India to Appledore looking at the landscape and the clothes we wear. We have also been busy rehearsing our Christmas Play, please keep practising those words!

I cannot believe that we have reached the end of another week! This week we have been focussing on finding fact families in maths. The children have looked at addition and subtraction facts and have used these to describe different images. In our writing, we have learnt about using ‘I’ in our sentences and joining sentences using ‘and’. We have used the Chromebooks to enhance our writing and maths lessons. I have left this on Google Classroom for the children to share with you at home or to continue to use at home if they wish. Just a reminder that we are going to Rosemore Gardens on Monday. Please refer to the previous letter for details of what to bring.


It’s been another great week for Lundy Puffins. They’ve been working hard in English to plan their stories which they will be writing next week using all the skills they have learned so far. In Maths they’ve been adding and subtracting using more efficient methods. It was really important to know their number bonds to 10 by heart for this, so please keep practising at home. For their science work this week, they carried out an investigation in the jungle to find out which habitat woodlice prefer. They had great fun collecting all the woodlice they needed for their experiment. The India topic has continued and this week they compared the rainfall in part of India with the rainfall in Appledore. They discovered that India has a lot more rain over the year, but there are some months of the year where it doesn’t rain at all. In Appledore they discovered that it rains every month of the year! In their outdoor learning sessions they have been continuing this and finding out some of the ways people in India use to save water. In the Art Studio, they have created some lovely Christmas tree decorations. Everyone is looking forward to the trip to Rosemoor on Monday – don’t forget to bring wellies in a bag and hats and gloves if it is cold.

Seahunter have had a great week learning some new grammar skills in English, adding using the column method in Maths and exploring cliamte zones in our topic work. There have been lots of new concepts to learn and they have all worked hard to take them on board. In their Maths work they worked in teams to learn how to use Hundreds, Tens and Ones columns to organise numbers for addition, exploring what to do when the digits add up to more than ten or one hundred. They have been great problem solvers and are able to use the method to solve problems with more confidence. In English they have been using prepositions to describe place as well as how to write in the past simple and past progressive tense. They have been amazing at remembering these new terms and applying their skills to their writing. In our topic work they explored the different climate zones of the world; polar, temperate and tropical. They looked at some photos of a location in the world that they will be studying and used their climate maps to decide where the photos could have been taken. They did a great job of explaining their reasons why as well as using actions to remember and recall the climate zones.

In Maths, Year 4 have been practising their multiplication and division skills for the 6, 7 and 9 times tables. In English, we have started to look at a new text called ‘Winter’s Child’. We have discussed our likes, dislikes and what puzzled us about the story, and have begun to build a ‘Writer’s Toolkit’ to learn from. The class discussed whether they thought Boudicca was a hero or a villain in Topic and wrote their own conclusions using evidence. In Computing, the children created their own slides document about Respect. HMS Echo have enjoyed an extra session in the Art Studio this week where they have made origami trees for our class Christmas hoop!

Year 5 have been busy writing their Beowulf stories this week in Literacy and learning about factors, common factors, prime and composite numbers in Maths. Science has begun Animals Including Humans, starting with the Human Timeline. In art, they have been creating stencils for printing designs and in Topic finding out about what a peninsula is and locating them on maps. They have also enjoyed another outdoor session.




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