
Newsletter for the week ending 23rd October
23 October 2020

Don’t forget it’s half term term next week and we’re all back on the Monday 2nd November!

In the first week back after half term official school photos will taken on Thursday 5th November. Photos will be of individuals and siblings that attend school. Unfortunately we are unable this year to also offer photos taken with other siblings who do not attend the school. 

If you haven’t already completed our survey requesting important information please do so as a matter of urgency.  We need this information should we be required to close at any point to ensure continuit of learning for your children. The survey can be accessed by clicking here. So far we have had a response from 138 families which good, but we do need all familes to repsond.

Please read on to find out what has been happening in and round the classes.

Have a lovely half term from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff



This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have spent time learning about Harvest and what this means for the people around us. We had great fun on Tuesday making pumpkin soup and bread which we had after our Harvest Festival. We sang songs to each other and Mrs Morris came in and read us a story about food and sharing. We enjoyed ourselves in The Jungle on Wednesday hunting for spiders and making spiders webs. Today we have found out about combine harvesters. We have drawn and painted pictures of them and labelled parts of it.

An interesting way to end our last week at ‘school/home’. I would usually take this opportunity to tell you about the wonderful learning that we have done in school throughout the week.However, I feel that this may be slightly redundant, so I would instead like to thank you all for the excellent support this week. I have been impressed with the high levels of engagement towards the online learning and the resilience shown by both the children and yourselves in getting to grips with the new technology. Have a safe half term and I am very much looking forward to having the children back in school after the holidays

It has definitely been a different week to the one Lundy Puffins were expecting! Well done to all the children for the calm way they responded and how responsible they have been for accessing their work on Google Classroom. There has definitely been some fantastic work submitted and it is clear they have been working hard. Thank you to all the parents and carers for supporting them with this. It has been a great half term and we can already see the progress the children are making in their work. We wish you all a restful half term break and look forward to seeing you all soon.

Seahunter have had a busy final week of the half term. They have gathered together all of the evidence from their research into deforestation of the rainforests and written letters to the treemouse from the Great Green Forest story to explain to her why and how her tree was cut down and how we as humans will try to help. In Maths, they have done some brilliant work with Miss Rose on adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and 100. Paddington has been an enjoyable English topic, this week involving writing using adverbs and following rules for speech. After the holiday, the children will be planning and writing their own Paddington stories. They have had an amazing first half term in Year 3 and we are really proud of all their hard work, growing independence and kindness towards one another. We wish you all a relaxing break and look forward to seeing them back at school eager to start the next half term.

In Maths, HMS Echo have been learning how to use the inverse to solve problems and to check answers. We have come to the end of our addition and subtraction unit and will be starting our new unit measurement after half term. In English, the children have planned and written up their own versions of Meerkat Mail. The class have carried out final pieces of work for both Topic and Science ready to start new topics after half term. Well done on a great half term Year 4!

Year 5 have  had a busy week in Literacy producing and publishing their Tear Thief stories. In Maths, they have finished a unit on addition and subtraction and although they have generally improved on understanding problem solving questions, they need to keep working on accuracy in calculations. In science, they have discovered some materials which are soluble and other which are insoluble and will be looking at ways to increase how quickly something can dissolve. We have almost completed our topic on plastic pollution – they just have one last task as homework to complete. Children will need waterproof trousers, coats and wellies on the first Wednesday back after half-term as we will start our outdoor learning.

In literacy we have been writing up our Macbeth story told through another’s eyes. We have also drawn our illustrations and front covers to go with our finished book.  These are now to be displayed in the main building. In maths we have been doing both long and short division. We’ve also done a national curriculum arithmetic test.  It was hard! In art we have been making our christmas cards; they are arctic animals underneath the northern lights. In topic we have been learning more about climate change. We have looked at the issues around flooding in Bangladesh. We have also completed our world war two concept maps to see what we know before we start this new topic after half term. Reporters: Ellie-May and Ava. Mrs McMorine writes: Have a restful half-term with your families Y6.  Thank you for all your hard work this half term.  Keep safe and see you on 2nd November.



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