Newsletter for the week ending 1st November 2019
Please read on to find out what has been going on in and around the classes…
Ear Rings
Please note that staff are no longer permitted to tape over a pupil’s ear rings during PE or other activities, so if a child attends school wearing ear rings that are not possible to remove any related injury is the responsibility of the parents / carers.
Please ensure that we always have your current contact details, including address, email and all telephione numbers. Thank you.
This week in FSU we have looked a little more at Autumn and what this means to us in our local area. On Tuesday we had a challenge – Team Turtles and Team Dolphins had to work together to make a scarecrow, have a look on the website to see Auntie Bin, Bin and Messy Rainbow. When we came back from lunch on Wednesday both the scarecrows had disappeared leaving us a note, we had to hunt around the school to find them but they had disappeared – ask us where they ended up! On Friday we visited The Jungle to collect Autumn things, we used them back in the classroom to make a collage.
We have had a good start to the half term in Year . Our new topic is Australia, we started by talking about what we already know about Australia. In Writing we are using the book ‘What do you do with a tail like this?’ We have discussed what we liked about the book and we have learnt how to use question marks at the end of our sentences. In Maths we have started learning about subtraction, we have used ten frames and part whole models to help us subtract. We have also used the same three numbers to write up to eight number sentences. Our Philosophy session used the book ‘Something Else’. We discussed the question ‘Why did he chose to live alone?’ and spoke about how great it is that everyone is different.
Lundy Puffins have begun their new topic ‘How is India different to where we live?’ They began by looking at world maps and identifying continents. In writing they have been writing a new set of instructions, thinking carefully about their verb choices. We can see a real improvement in their writing, so we’ll done! In Maths, they have been revising number bonds to 10 and using these to help work out number bonds to 100. On Wednesday, we invited Year One children into the classroom to see all the homework tasks they had completed. Thank you for all your help with these.
Seahunter have had a good first week back at school. On Monday, they worked hard in the studio. To complete some lovely rainforest floor drawings, which involved layering black and white leaf drawings and colourful bugs. Some of their work is on display in the main corridor gallery. In English they have done an amazing job learning about how to punctuate speech, which they will use when they write their own Paddington stories next week. They have learnt 5 key rules and have amazed us with their ability to remember and apply them. Finally, in P.E. they have been playing a basic version of handball and it has been great to see them using the skills they have learnt in small groups in a bigger team game. They have focused on being inclusive, making sure that everyone in the team is involved in the game.
This week in Maths, HMS Echo have been using their knowledge of rounding to estimate answers and have been learning how to use the inverse to check their answers. We are now at the end of our ‘addition and subtraction’ unit and will be starting on ‘measures’ next week. In Literacy, the children have written and edited their own information page about Superheroes to show what skills they have learnt so far. In the Art Studio, the children have painted their penguins which they have drawn which you can now see some on display in the corridor. In Philosophy, we read the book ‘Giraffes can’t Dance’ and focused on our half term value ‘inclusive’
Year 5 have shown great enthusiasm for their new topic on Africa. They have identified the 54 countries in Africa and started to look at Ghana (West Africa). We have found out about the meaning of the Ghanaian flag and where the capital of Accra can be located. In literacy we have read how Anansi got his eight thin legs and started writing our own version of the story, using dialogue correctly. In maths we have started a new unit of work which focuses on multiplication and division. Our RE looked at the Hindu festival of Diwali and Rosie shared some Indian snacks with the class. In science we did concept maps on what we know about evolution and inheritance. All the class are looking forward to our residential next week. Lets hope its stays dry!!
Year 6 have been maths detectives, finding missing numbers in multiplication and division calculations. They have also completed their Climate Change stories and started thinking about their new topic – World War II. In science, the bread grew some marvellous mould over the holidays and they have been thinking about where bread can be kept fresher for longer – I apologise in advance, if you find it now moving into your fridge! In art, they have begun poppy printing blocks which will be used to create WWII artwork.
Have a wonderful weekend everybody.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children.