Newsletter for the week ending 15th July
A super end to the week with sports day today. Thank you for your support today and thank you to all the staff and children (particularly year 6) who made today run so smoothly. The points from today will be added to the house point totals for the term and the house that wins our House Cup will be announced next week. There are a number of unclaimed tombola prizes in the office for white ticket 47 and yellow tickets 29, 88, 95, 259, 358, 361, 475, 487, 499, 543, 588 893,943. Decent prizes too!
Please note that due to rising running costs nursery fees and AOOSC and other after school clubs prices will increase in September. We have kept the increases to a minimum and for more information please click here.
Thank you to Appledore Baptist Church for welcoming us all today for the last Open the Book of the year and thank you Year 6 for some super acting.
Appledore Library Summer Reading Challenge Events:
Sat 23rd July 10-11.30am – Sciencedipity – £6/child BOOKING ESSESNTIAL
Thu 4th Aug 10-11.30am – Storytelling & Bridgebuilding – FREE DROP IN
Thu 18th Lego Sense 1-2pm – £4/child BOOKING ESSESNTIAL
Throughout the summer holidays there will be free picture treasure hunts inside the library and around the village shops with a prize draw of £10 book tokens for 2 winners. For more information please click here.
Have a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have continued learning about Pirates. We have found out what pirates look like and invented some new ones. We have labelled parts of a pirate ship and drawn pictures of them. We have reminded ourselves of what ‘birds eye view’ means and we came up with a list of different maps that we use. We then use this knowledge to create our own treasure maps.
In year 1 this week we have continued with our Castles learning and have been thinking about which material was better for a castle to be made out of; wood or stone. In Maths we have been learning about money and have remembered lots of our learning from dolphins! We have even visited Miss Gray’s shop and had to work out how to get the correct amount of money so we could buy the item we wanted. We have started a new book in Writing called How to Hide a Lion at School and we have loved thinking of places we could hide a lion in our school.
This week, year 3 have been learning how to recognise and describe perpendicular and parallel lines, and horizontal and vertical lines in Maths. In English, the class have been practising writing fronted adverbials and editing their work. In Topic, we looked at key events in history including Ancient Egypt and the children learnt how to put them into chronological order to create a timeline. The children enjoyed their last swimming session and have all made good progress!
HMS Echo have had a great week learning about food chains and how to classify animals and plants. They visits Appledore rock pools and had an Amazon time searching for as many species as possible. Back at school, they then created sorting tree diagrams using yes and no questions, which they will be testing out on Year 2! Finally, they were all amazing at sports day and showed great team work, resilience n determination.
Year 5 have been very busy publishing their ‘ology’ books; these are now on display in the main building. We have completed end of term assessments in maths, reading and spelling. We are now thinking about the remaining work we need to do to complete the arts award. Please join us on Wednesday morning, 9am, in the school hall. We should be finished by 9.30am. We have a fantastic swimming session at Skern Lodge, all having fun in the water, and then eating our fish and chips in the front field. This was a well deserved treat, after weeks of hard work, for the end of term. We are hoping to have a great sports day on Friday.