
Newsletter for the week ending 15th February
15 February 2019

Please read on to find out about surf club, PTA events and much, much in and around our classes…(and don’t forget next week is half term so we will see you all back on Monday 25th February)

Dates for the Diary – PTA run events

Friday 8th March, Quiz and bingo night for adults (parents, relatives, friends…). Time tbc. Details to foloww.
Friday 29th March, children’s Easter bingo. 3.30-4.30pm. Details to follow.
Friday 21st June, summer fair. Details to follow.
Wednesday 5th June, sports day. Races for Y1-Y6 9:30am-12pm, lunch for all children and parents 12pm-1pm and afternoon activities for Reception to Y6 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Wednesday 12th June, reserve day for sports day (if bad weather 5th June)
Friday 21st June, summer fair. Details to follow.


Ever Thought of Teaching?
Are you inmterested in becoming a primary teacher? Our school works in partnership with DPSCITT to train new teachers and there is an open evening between 5.30 and 6.30pm on 7th February 2019 at Newport Community School Primary Academyin Barnstaple.

After School Surf Club Resumes
Once again the North Devon Surf School are now offering your child the opportunity to learn to surf with professional instructors at their award winning Centre of Excellence in Westward Ho! An eight week programme of lessons will run on Fridays 3.45pm – 5.45pm from the Surf School in Pebbleridge Road starting om Friday 26th April. It is for age 7 upwards. Children don’t need to be expert swimmers, water confidence is more important. Spaces are limited so please call Helena at The North Devon Surf School on 01237 474663 to reserve your child a place by 30th March 2018. For the full details please click here.

Sculpture has been the focus of our art this half term and some amzing pieces have been created, soon to be on display in our main corridor


This week in FSU we have kept to the theme of looking after this week but focused on animals. Livvy’s Mum came to talk to us on Wednesday about her job as a vet and we found it really interesting. We have changed our role play areas into vets and have really enjoyed looking after our animals. We have brought in pictures of our pets and talked about how we care for them. We have also been busy collecting information about pets from our friends – which animal is your favourite? How many pets do you have? Which animal do you think is the largest? We have looked at habitats of different animals and how we might have to care for them differently to our pets..

This week in Year 1 Mr McGrath has taken all our Maths and Writing lessons. In Maths we have been finding one more and one less than 2 digit numbers. We have also been comparing and ordering groups of objects and numbers up to 50. In Writing we have worked in groups to research an Australian animal. We have sorted our facts into groups and given them headings, then we have written our facts into a fact book. In Science we have learnt more about the order of the seasons, and sorted the months into their correct seasons. Thank you to everyone who came to the Phonics session on Wednesday, we really appreciate your support and hope you all have a great half term break.

Well done Lundy Puffins for working so hard over the past half term. We can see some real improvements in their writing – well done everyone. This week in Maths, we have been looking at division by grouping and sharing and then dividing by 2, 5 and 10. Times table knowledge really helps with this, so thank you for all your help at home. The sculpture display is up in the main corridor and the elephants have been finished. They look fantastic, so please come and have a look! Next half term, the topic on India will continue and we will be finding out about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Have a good half term break everyone!

Seahunter have been busy artists this week, creating beautiful Caribbean bird sculptures, some of which are now displayed in the gallery. In English, they have maintained the Caribbean theme, completing their stories. Tuesday was an exciting day as some very impressive homemade volcanoes arrived in the room and we explored the process of igneous rock formation with the help of some chocolate! The children created foil spaces for the lava (chocolate) to flow into and watched it cool to become a solid. They tasted pretty good too! We have been using the volcanoes to learn about the process but we’re looking forward to erupting them after the half term break. Wishing everyone a restful half term break.

HMS Echo have been looking at solving problems using inverse operations in Maths and have carried out their multiplication and division assessment task. After half term, we will be learning about fractions and decimals. In Literacy, the class have finished publishing their explanations to make our class book ‘Until I Met Jimmy’ which will be in the corridor after half term. For Topic, we have looked at the Roman army and how they invaded Britain. This week, the class carried out their Philosophy session linked to R.E and discussed the question ‘Should you love someone even if they are unkind to you?’ We have then also started our dance unit in P.E.

This week in Year 5, in English, we have been using parenthesis and relative clauses to write about some new planets. In maths, we have been answering problems using time and measures. In art, we have made sculptures with clay, wire and polystyrene balls – these sculptures are our own planet creations. In topic, we have nearly completed our booklets about all the planets and our solar system. We had a ‘Fire Talk’ last week and we learnt about keeping safe in our own homes, smoke alarms and having an evacuation plan at home – please talk to your child about your evacuation plan at home.

This week Y6 have started writing the story of the Highwayman from another character’s point of view. Also, we’ve started algebra in maths and we did a couple of SATS practice papers on Wednesday. In art, we have been making and painting sculptures of hands in the style of Jackson Pollock, known as action painting. In science, we measured shadows of an object using appropriate science methods. Reporters: Leo and Isabella

Have a wonderful weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children

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