Newsletter for the week ending 11th June
For once, we had good weather during a half term AND a bank holiday and it has continued now we are all back. This has enabled outdoor learning to recommence on our first day back and there is much planting going on around the site by the children. Competition is fierce for who can plant the sunflower that grows the tallest!
Please read on to find out about sports day, class teachers next year, Royal Marine Cadets and what has been going on in and round the school.
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
Royal Marine Cadets for children aged 9-16 have opened at Chivenor base. For information for your child to join click here or if you are interested in helping out please click here.
We will be holding sports day events for the children this year although we will not be permitting spectators to attend. Sports day is a tradition much looked forward to by the school community and undoubtedly this will be a dissapointment to many, but we hope you understand that for safety reasons we are unable to organise a mass event.
Next year the teachers will be dsitributed across the school as follows: Miss Olliffe in Turtles (nursery); Mrs Bannister in Dolphins (reception); Mr Lewis in Year 1; Mrs Stanbury and Mrs Stephens in Year 2; Miss Goodman in Year 3; Mrs Rushworth in Year 4; Mrs McMorine and Mrs Evans in Year 5 and Mrs Mitchell in Year 6. Performance (music, drama and dance), RE and French will be taught in Years 3,4,5 & 6 by Mrs Carr.
Welcome back everyone! This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have talked about summer and the things that we like doing in the summer. Lots of us enjoy going to the beach so we talked about how this differs to when we go to the beach any other time of the year. We have painted pictures of summer and made some sun collages. We also had a go at making some ice poles. Today we visited The Jungle to see how it has changed and to see if we could spot any signs of summer.
A short first week back to start our final half term of year 1. This week we were lucky to have Lottie from Atlantic Racquet Centre come into school to teach the children tennis skills. The children really enjoyed all of the different challenges and were very engaged with the fun games. A big thank you to Elba who completed Temby’s challenge and won the children an invite to ARC this weekend to take part in free tennis games and activities. This term the children will be learning tennis in PE which will take place on Tuesdays. Please ensure that the children have their PE kit in school each week. I will continue to send them home on Fridays to be washed. In science this week the children have been learning about physical changes in humans. They really enjoyed looking at their baby pictures and spotting the changes that have happened so far.
Lundy Puffins have had a great return to the Summer Term. In English, they have begun their new book ‘Outdoor Wonderland’ which is a mixture between instructions and information. In Maths, they have been continuing their work on position and direction and have learned about clockwise and anti-clockwise. In a few weeks, they will be learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes, so if you are able to support this at home in preparation it would be really helpful. The new topic for the half term has begun and is ‘What was life like in a castle?’ They are very excited to learn about this new topic. On Wednesday, they had a session with the tennis coach and this will now happen every Tuesday afternoon, so please make sure your child has their PE shoes in school.
Seahunter have enjoyed a busy three days back in school, continuing with the English and Rugby skills they started before half term and moving on to addition in Maths. In our topic work, we have been exploring rivers, so it was great to get out to is morning for a walk along the Torridge through Appledore. The children stopped at various points to make observations about the landscape, buildings and activities gathering evidence to answer the question ‘why is the river Torridge so important to Appledore?’ It was lovely to be out and about and the children enjoyed exploring and playing together.
Year 4 have settled back into school well and ready to learn after a break. In Maths, we have continued our learning on ‘Time’ where the children have been learning how to use their knowledge and understanding of days, weeks, months and years to solve problems, and have been practising converting times between a digital and analogue clock. In English, we have been continuing learning and practising the skills used in our text ‘Firebird’ including noun phrases and time adverbials. The class were introduced to this half term’s value ‘Kindness’ where they formulated the question ‘Do you have to be kind to someone even if they are mean to you?’. For computing, the children have continued their learning on data where they have been learning how to read and present data. In P.E, the children have been practising a range of athletics skills including; running, jumping, skipping, javelin throw and bean bag throw.
Year 5 have been back in the swing of angles in Maths and have started ‘Where My Wellies Take Me’ in Literacy. This will lead to some poetry and art work as well as geography, history and science. We are fortunate to continue with tennis and cricket this half-term meaning children will need PE kits in school all week. Please make sure that if you haven’t already replied with regards to the Arts Award, that you do so by Friday so that payment arrangements can be made
This week, Year 6 has been finishing our Arts Awards and doing some more work on Graphic Design. We have filmed the video of us reading out our Appledore poems for the book festival. We are really pleased with the final result. In maths, we have continued to learn about angles.In English we have done an elicitation task when we wrote about an imaginary place called Wild Island. On Wednesday afternoon, half of the class did outdoor learning and the other half finished their textiles work in the art studio. We played cricket on Thursday and two men came in to teach us Cricket skills on Friday too. Also some people in year five and six are putting together a school football team which will compete against other schools. Reporters: Zachary and Rosie