
Newsletter for the last week of term
19 July 2024

The end of another packed year draws to a close and wish all the very best for children and families leaving us this year and ask that they stay in touch. It has been a fun year with so much achieved, so please do read the Around the Classes section one last time for this year to see what has been happening during our last week of term.

A big thank you to FOAS (Friends of Appledore School) for organising last week’s summer fair and other fundraising activities throughout the year. If you are able to volunteer to help the small band of parents who make up FOAS next year, please email and we will pass your details onto them.

Next year, we will be offering the following clubs after school and for more detailed information please click here:

  • Tuesday: Lego club – for years 1 to 4 – 3.30pm to 4.30pm – cost £5
    Wednesday: Sports club – for years 3 to 5 – 3.30pm to 5pm – cost £6.25
    Thursday: Football club – for years 2 to 4 – 3.30pm to 4.30pm – cost £5
    Friday: Eco Rangers – for years 1 to 6 – 3.30pm to 5pm – cost £6.25

Holiday events and activities for children:

  • For free family events with the Northam Burrows Rangers please see here
  • For Torridge Family Hub summer 2024 timetable of activities see here
  • For summer rugby camps for all abilities please click here
  • For summer tennis camps in Bideford please click here
  • For cricket summer clubs in Westward Ho! please click here
  • For summer football camps please click here
  • Aimed primarily (although not exclusively) at our Year 6 pupils leaving for Bideford College and Atlantic academy is a summer reading challenge. For more info please see here

Wishing you all a great summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you again in September (but if you are in Year 6, please stay in touch!)

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have continued to learn about Appledore and we have focused on the fire station. On Tuesday we walked down to the Fire Station and had a tour. We all loved skirting the hosepipe! On Thursday we had a little tea party. We were busy cooking fish cakes and cupcakes in the morning. Today we have talked about all the things that we have enjoyed whilst being a turtle and dolphin.

Year 1 have had a super last week of term. They wrote their own version of ‘How to hide a lion in Appledore’ imagining hiding a wild animal on a school trip into Appledore. They came up with some very funny hiding places. We completed our maths unit on time and spent a computer session completing some of the quizzes on We have been lucky enough to have two tennis sessions this week with Lottie, she has been really impressed with their tennis skills and they were very happy to have a final game of chicken run! On Wednesday they all took part in the school cross country and finished with big smiles on their faces, well done everyone. We have been doing a summer countdown this week with a little surprise each day to celebrate the hard work they have put in all year which has been great fun. Thank you for all your support this term and from the whole of the Year 1 team we wish you a wonderful summer holiday!

Another action packed last week of the year! Year 2 have enjoyed two tennis sessions and have taken part in the whole school cross country this week. They have been busy finishing off work and managed to make a board game in Maths to practise their Maths skills. They finished making their dragon books which are on display and will remain there so you can have a look in September. They will be bringing home all their books to share all their amazing work with you. They have worked hard all year and Mrs Halloway and I (Mrs Stanbury) are very proud of them. Well done everyone! Thank you for being an amazing class and we hope you have a relaxing summer with your families.

The closing date for the national school song competition is now 20th July so we are not going to hear anything before the end of term. I hope you enjoyed listening to our entry. The children in key stage 2 completed their music studies by looking at live instruments. Each year group listened to a different orchestral piece which introduced them to the different families of orchestral instruments and specific instruments within that group. Year 3 played name that animal with Carnival of the animals, year4 matched I trimmers to the characters of Peter and the Wolf and Year 6 listened to Benjamin Briiten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra and identified different instruments. This was a good counterpoise to all the work on digital music they have been doing.

Year 3 have had a wonderful last week of school! In Maths, we interpreted a variety of pictograms and bar charts. We then collected our own data using a tally chart and then chose to represent the data in a pictogram. In English, we edited our newspaper articles for corrections and improvements and then published them. In Science, we explored whether two magnets would attract or repel each other depending on which poles were facing. On Thursday, we took part in some exciting outdoor learning where we made our own pizza dough, and then using some of the vegetables that we had grown earlier in the year, we chose some toppings to put on our pizzas. For our last Value’s lesson on inspirational, we thought about people in our lives who we find inspirational and discussed what sorts of characteristics make someone inspirational.

In HMS Echo (year 4), the children have been busy finishing off lots of topics and units ready for the summer! In Maths, we have finished position and direction, where the children have learnt to translate a shape on a grid this week. In English, the children are finishing off their publishing ready to put on display in the corridor. In Science and History, they have completed a quiz to see what they remember about the Victorians and Sound. On Wednesday, the children had great fun taking part in the whole school cross country event – lots of resilience was displayed so a huge well done! Have a very restful summer, it’s been a pleasure teaching Year 4 this year and I will see them around in September!

Well done Year 5 for working hard right to the end of term. This week we have completed all the elements of the Explore Arts Award. Certificates will hopefully arrive with you over the summer break. Thank you Y5 for all your amazing work this year, it has been wonderful to watch you progress and grow. Have a fantastic summer with your families.

What a busy final week Year 6 have had. Sailing was great even though we got drenched (the second group anyway). The Wake Park was lots of fun too! We have been clearing the room, preparing for our Leavers Assembly, cooking in Outdoor Learning and having some fun. We hope that Y6 managed to take all of their belongings with them and wish them all the best of luck in their new schools next year. Please have a last look on Google Classroom as it will close during the summer. Enjoy the holidays!

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