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Jan 20, 2023

Please be aware that on the days scheduled by teacher unions for strike action (1st February and 2nd, 15th and 16th March) school will be open for business as per usual with all the usual staff.

Devon County Council have offered advice on how to stay safe during very cold weather that can be found here.

Thank you Friends of Appledore School (rebranded and reformed PTA) for funding a travelling theatre visit on the 2nd of February from the proceeds of the disco and Christmas Fair, performing to the lower school and upper school two different performances.

Please click on ‘more’ to find out what has been happening in and around the classes.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 13, 2023

First five day week completed in 2023 and there has been so much going on – much of it outside whatever the weather as our outdoor learning provision continues to expand! Please click on more to find out what has been happening in and around the classes this week.

During February half term Carol Anne Netball Club (Barnstaple) are holding a netball camp for girls in Years 3&4 (click here) and Chivenor Soccer School are holding football camps (click here).

If your child is playing Roblox please continue to monitor it closely because children are being encouraged to self harm on this gaming platform.  This week the staff have received safeguarding training on recognising the different types of abuse and how to respond. For more information please click here.

If you are feeling stressed, anxious, are experiencing ongoing low mood, or are having difficulty sleeping, the NHS can help. TALKWORKS is a free and confidential NHS talking therapy service, here to help anyone over the age of 18 living in Devon, improve their mental and physical wellbeing. TALKWORKS therapists will work with you, by providing a variety of tools and techniques, to help get your life back on track, so that you can feel like yourself once again. Treatment and support includes: one-to-one sessions with a therapist; group therapy sessions; wellbeing workshops and access to online self-help. You do not need a referral from a GP to access TALKWORKS’ services, you can refer yourself online or over the phone. For more information on the different treatment options and therapy services, please visit the TALKWORKS website or call 0300 555 3344.

Have a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 5, 2023

Welcome back and a very happy New year to you all. We hope you had an enjoyable break, free from all the illnesses circulating, and you have kept to your New Year’s resolutions! In assembly earlier this week we discussed New Year’s resolutions and this link has some interesting suggestions for children.

This week staff have safeguarding training related to contextual safeguarding and the staff training focus of Tuesday’s non-pupil day was further curriculum improvement and development.

Any early posting of the newsletter this week because tomorrow involves a trip to the Roman baths in Bath. Please click on more to find out what has been happening in your children’s classes and for class specific information.

Wishing you all a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Dec 16, 2022

What a week, what a term and what an amazing run of nativity performances with the curtain coming down on our term curtesy of Key Stage 2 (years 3-6) and Miss Carr performing Squeak at St Mary’s Church today! Thank you to everybody involved.

Last week we gave you a digital parenting guide and this week we have a comprehensive go to one page document with advice and warnings. Please take a look here before your children have more time on their hands to be safe online this holiday. The following links are for interactive activities for children aged 4-7, 8-10 and 11-18 to do to support them being safe whilst online this Christmas and beyond. They are from a reputable organisation called CEOPS and there is a section dedicated to parents.

If you have any concerns about the safety of a child contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or email with as much information as you can. If the child is at immediate risk call the police on 999.

Please click on ‘more’ to find out what has been happening in all the classes this week. Happy Christmas to you all and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th January

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Dec 13, 2022

First prize goes to Roaslie and Fran, second to Ella and third to Alice


Dec 9, 2022

A week full of Christmas nativities and we’re not finished yet!  Please click ‘more’ below for dates for your diary and to find out what has been going on around the school. We hope to see you this afternoon from 3.30pm at the Christmas Fair.

With tech possibly/probably high on Christmas lists, please click here for a useful digital parenting guide for advice on how to ensure your child’s devices and use of are safe. It is from a commercial company there is much very useful advice included.

A tableful of bakes for our House Bake Off and the winners are: joint first, so 75 house points each, goes to Rosalie and Fran for their joint entry of Santa’s Grotto; second prize of 100 house points goes to Ella for her penguin cake and third prize of 50 house points to Alice for her cup cakes. 10 house points to those who named their cakes: Arthur, Cecily, Amelie, Lyla, Joshy, Sam, Molly, James, Harry and Rosie. All cakes on sale at the Christmas Fair this afternoon.

There are lots of bugs going around school today and we must be aware of an increase in Scarlet Fever and invasive Group A strep. Please click here for symptom and absence requirements for scarlet fever, impetigo and strep throat and click here for more comprehensive guidance from UK Health Security.

KS2 (y3-6) Christmas production of Squeak is progressing well for its showing in Appledore Church in the afternoon of the last day of term. For those requiring costume (they know if they do), please can they be brought in to school no later than Monday. Most children will just need a colourful jumper, such as a Christmas one, without modern brands/logos please.

Have a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Nov 30, 2022

If last week signaled the start of Christmas in school with the sound of festive rehearsing for all our coming celebrations (see dates listed below), the wearing of Christmas jumpers today and hanging of the Christmas hoops in our main corridor certainly cemented the festive excitement! If you haven’t seen the hoops in our main corridor please do come inside and have a look. They are quite special! 

An impressive £289.47p was raised in our poppy appeal. Thank you for supporting this extremely worthy cause.

We wish you all a super weekend and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible here for the events next week, including the Christmas Fair on Friday. 3.30p-6pm.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

PS – Please click on ‘more’ for dates for your diary and to find out what has been happening in and around all the classes. (more…)

Nov 25, 2022

Two timely seasonal reminders are the first showing of the John Lewis Christmas advert and the sounds and sights of nativity rehearsals in school. Both are now upon us and so the magic of Christmas begins! Please see below the dates for the various nativities and services and we hope to see you there.

An impressive £260 raised by you for the worth Children in Need appeal. Thank you.

If you are aged 18, living in North Devon and struggling with low mood, anxiety, stress or sleep difficulties NHS support is available. TALKWORKS is a free-to-access NHS service for adults. If you feel you are in a mental health crisis and need an urgent response please contact the First Response Service on 0808 196 8708, your GP, NHS 111 or Mental Health Matters on 0800 4700 317.

This week staff have safeguarding training on harmful sexual behaviours. This NSPCC link includes information for parents.

Please click on more to find out what has been happening in all the classes and we wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Diary dates:

  • Turtles and Dolphins nativity Tuesday 6th December 2.30pm and 6pm
  • Years 1&2 nativity Wednesday 7th December 2.30pm and 6pm
  • Christmas Fair Friday 9th December 3.30pm-6pm
  • Christmas lunch Wednesday 14th December
  • Years 3-6 Christmas Service Friday 16th December at St Mary’s Church, 2pm
  • Sports Day for Dolphins and years 1-6  is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd May


Nov 18, 2022

A super week that finished with our older children taking their learning into our woodland. For a flavour of the activities the children are experiencing from our new Outdoor Learning provision, please click here. Please click on ‘more’ to find out what else has been happening in and around all the classes and for reminders or notifications relevant to your child’s class.

Our term dates for the 2023-2024 school year are now available and our draft admissions policy for 2024 is published for consultation.

The safeguarding focus for this week was bullying. The children attended an assembly on this topic and will return to it a number of times over the year as apart of their Values curriculum. Staff also received training and please click here for information for parents from the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

Diary dates:

  • Years 3-6 Christmas Service Friday 16th December at St Mary’s Church, 2pm
  • Sports Day for Dolphins and years 1-6  is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd May


Wishing you all a super weekend.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Nov 11, 2022

A super week with lots going on in all the classes, so please click on more to find out more. before you do, please take a look at the diary dates below.

  • In recognition of ant-bullying next week it’s wear odd socks day on Monday (14th November) for all the children and staff.
  • Friday 18th November is wear stripes and/or spots for Children In Need for an optional donation. If you donate, please can it not include coins less than £1 due to banking restrictions?
  • Wear odd socks to school to stand-up to bullying is on Monday 14th November. As bright and odd as they like (just for the one day!)
  • Years 3-6 Christmas Service Friday 16th December at St Mary’s Church in the afternoon. Likely time 2pm tbc
  • Sports Day for Dolphins and years 1-6  is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd May
  • A visiting theatre group will be performing to all the children on 2nd February. Thank you to the Friends of Appledore School for funding this event.

We have been contacted by a couple of local charities that may be able to support families struggling to pay for presents for their children and/or to feed them this Christmas. If you are in need of help, please contact to find out more. Any contact will be managed sensitively.

Schools’ funding has already been greatly affected by rising costs and central government cost savings and imminent announcement of more reductions in funding will have a very noticeable impact on richness of the children’s current educational provision. Appledore School will not be exempt from that. If you feel strongly about school funding, please click here to join a petition to government

Next week’s safeguarding focus will be on bullying for children and staff and information will be in next week’s newsletter for parents.

Have a great weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Nov 4, 2022

A super first week back and the children have thrown themselves into everything on offer with gusto. Please click on more to find out all that has been happening in and around the classes.

Well done to Year 5 for raising £70 from their bake sale on Friday and thank you Evie-Rose and Elise for organising this.  Thank you also to all those who baked cakes to raise money for the North Devon Animal Ambulance.

A few diary dates for you:

  • Wear odd socks to school to stand-up to bullying is on Monday 14th November. As bright and odd as they like (just for the one day!)
  • Years 3-6 Christmas Service Friday 16th December at St Mary’s Church in the afternoon. Time tbc
  • Sports Day for Dolphins and years 1-6  is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd May
  • A visiting theatre group will be performing to all the children on 2nd February. Thank you to the Friends of Appledore School for funding this event.

This week staff safeguarding training has focused on honour based abuse, forced marriage and FGM. For information on this please click here.

Have a great weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Oct 21, 2022
A great week to finish our first half term back and we enjoyed out last harvest festival, this time the turn of our youngest children. We go again after half term with all that is entailed with Christmas!
Outdoor Learning – we need help this half term holiday if you are out and about on walks. We have been given a free resource to start our own tree nursery, but we need some seeds! Tree seeds of any kind – acorns, conkers, rowan berries, elder berries, sycamore, field maple helicopter seeds. Ash are probably one to avoid as we don’t want to spread any disease. Collect your seeds in a paper bag – if you can label the bag with the location that the seeds were collected- that would be great. Bags can be given to your child’s class Eco Ambassadors in the new term. Eco Rangers can then plant the seeds to start off our tree nursery, which will then link into a wider tree planting initiative through the Biosphere project!  Stay safe! and don’t eat berries, watch out for plants that sting and only collect from the ground- we don’t want to damage trees in our foraging!
We await a response from Devon Country Council regarding a 2023-2024 term dates query we have and will publish them as soon as possible.
Thank you for all your support this half term and please do click on ‘more’ to read the remainder of this article. We wish you all a super half term and look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 31st October.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff.
PS – see you at the disco!
PPS – well done Harry for being awarded the House Cup for Responsible


Oct 14, 2022

This week was the turn of years 1 & 2 to host a harvest festival and they did very well. It was year 3-6 last week and next week is our Turtles and Dolphins harvest festival at 2.30pm Tuesday 18th October in the hall.  Thank you for your contributions to our harvest collection of non perishables and we will keep collecting on the front desk until Friday 21st when we will take it to a local charity supporting the homeless.

Also this week children have been out and about with year 1 visiting Exmoor Zoo and year 5 returning from their three day residential – children and teachers shattered! Thank you to the teachers for volunteering their time to take the children and to you for your messages of gratitude.  Next week it is the turn of year 3 and year 4 for a trip out.

This week staff safeguarding training has focussed on how to raise concerns regarding concerns about adults working with children. If you have any concerns, no matter how small or potentially insignificant they appear, please do contact the school and ask to speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Cooper) or another member of the safeguarding team (Mrs McMorine, Mrs bannister or Mrs Phillips).

Interested in becoming a primary teacher or know someone who is? If so, next Wednesday there is an open evening at Roundswell. For more information please click here and here.

Please click on more to find out more information of upcoming events and what has been happening in all of the classes.

We wish you all a lovely weekend.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Oct 7, 2022

Our harvest festivals have begun and a super start from KS2 at Skilfully directed by Miss Carr. Scarecrow stole the show!  Please read on for harvest celebration with other classes. Other highlights this week include visits from recognised children’s authors entertaining the children.

Parent Evenings are being scheduled for children in years 1-6 over various days before half term. Please keep an eye out for communication from us with information on when and how to book.

Safeguarding – please be aware of a seemingly child friendly online game called Huggy Wuggy that involves a seemingly friendly hairy blue character. Please be aware that this game can quickly take a sinister turn and frighten children and creep into playground games, particularly children aged 4-7 years. For more information please click here and continue to discuss with your children what they are accessing online.

We wish you all wonderful weekend and please do click ‘more’ for much more information relevant to you.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Sep 30, 2022

Such a lovely week, ending with Year 2 excitedly telling me today all they learnt about bees from their trip out yesterday!

Lots of information about forthcoming events and dates for the diary, including the return of our Halloween Disco and our harvest festivals, so please do click ‘more’ to find out all about these events and other.

Wishing you all a super weekend.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

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