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Nov 24, 2017

Please read on to find out about the the Christmas Fayre (including the hampers for the draw) and what has been happening in and around the classes, including a wonderful singing performance by Year 6… 

Nov 21, 2017

The PTA are going to be collecting items to make up hampers for the Christmas fayre raffle. Can we kindly ask that each child brings into school something to contribute. Examples of items include:

Wine, beer, cider
Mince pies
Bubble bath
Chutney, pickles, jam
Aany other treats

There will be boxes outside of your child’s class and the deadline for items will be Thursday 30th November.  Please leave alcohol donations in the school office or Mr Cooper’s office (seriously!!)

Thank you.

Nov 19, 2017

Please read on to find our what has been happening in and around the school this week…

Nov 13, 2017

Forest club 8th and 9th November

We are now settled into our winter quarters at the top of the jungle. During the latest sessions the children gathered around the fire to begin crafting the first of 5 Christmas decorations, which they will take home at the end of term. The decorations are designed to represent the five senses and for this session the focus was on the sense of smell. The children worked with cloves, clay and bay leaves and, with the area warmed by the fire and coloured lights hanging in the trees, our new base soon became an inviting and aromatic new space to enjoy.

We will be working over the next week to install further lighting, so that the sessions can continue as the nights draw in. With time to play in the daylight, followed by an opportunity to come together around the fire circle and concentrate on crafts, storytelling and cooking as dusk falls, these winter sessions will offer an opportunity to enjoy the outdoor space in new ways. Within a safe, supported and familiar environment, the children will experience a unique sense of close companionship as they share stories and activities around the fire, will gain confidence in being outdoors in darkness and will take responsibility for their own wellbeing by learning how to stay warm, safe and dry in the winter.

 To contact us: or talk to Jayne on 07984655688


Nov 13, 2017

Apologies for the delay – technical issues! Please read on to find out about Children in Need, Christmas Fayre change of date and much, much more…

Nov 9, 2017

Wear stripes or spots (or both) on Friday 17th November. Minimum £1 donation.

Nov 9, 2017

If you would like to help with the Christmas Fayre, please come to a meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 14th November at the school.

Please note the new date for the Christmas Fayre is Thursday 7th December.

Nov 5, 2017

In the first forest school sessions for this half of term the children having been helping to prepare the site for winter sessions. A new site for the fire circle, at the top of the jungle is being cleared, involving digging up a rotten, wooden climbing feature. We looked at how to use leverage with appropriate tools to remove the partially buried logs, and how to work safely with large tools in proximity to others.

Another group of children helped to sort the garden waste into piles to burn or to compost and we talked about building appropriate places to collect composting material.

These first sessions were also an opportunity to enjoy the regular activities of mud kitchen, den building, swinging, climbing, crafts and minibeast hunting. We found insects settled into snug spaces for the winter and were careful not to disturb them, and we will be combining hay with the rotten logs we have dug up, to create a second hibernation station for our wide selection of jungle creatures.

Please note our new email address:
Phone number is still Jayne on 07984655688

Nov 3, 2017

Yesterday was another great day and we expect them back on time. We will let you know if that changes.

Nov 3, 2017

If you have visited the school I am sure you can’t have missed it, but if you haven’t you are likely to have heard about it!  Either way, we now have a large ship on our bottom playground for the children to play on. Unfortunately, children are not permitted to use it before 9am and after 3.30am, even if you are with them, so please ensure your child does not use it when coming to school or leaving school. Sorry!  We have told all of the children and would appreciate it if you are able to inform any other adults who deliver or collect your children. Thank you.

Nov 3, 2017

Please read on to find out what has been happening in the classes, our new pirate ship, workshops for the community in our art studio and much, much more…

Nov 2, 2017

All is going very well and a good night was had by all. Yesterday was archery, fencing and canoeing (one teacher fell in and was bobbing around in Ilfracombe Harbour!) and today is rock scrambling and rockpooling. 

Oct 20, 2017

News from around the classes and much, much more…

Oct 16, 2017

Forest club 11th and 12th October

Last week’s theme was fire and fire safety, with both groups cooking a number of savoury and sweet items over an open fire in the fire circle. It was an opportunity to highlight the importance of acting responsibly in the circle and listening carefully to instructions. All of the children were respectful of the rules and with those safety aspects taken care of, everyone could relax and enjoy sharing stories, ideas and jokes with each other round the fire, while the food cooked. After eating the food and having a warm chocolate drink, the children then spent the remaining time on individually chosen woodland activities.

This week we have our last sessions before the half term break, but we will then be continuing with sessions until the Christmas holidays. Don’t forget to supply warm clothing, suitable footwear and waterproofs, to keep your children snug and dry.

Please note our new email address:

Phone: Jayne on 07984655688

Oct 13, 2017

Please read on to find out about our choir performing, residential trips and much, much more in and around the classes and Appledore…

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