A buy week here and we hope the weather allows us to have Sports Day on Wednesday 12th June. Please read on to find out what has been going on in school this…
Once again there has been a lot going on, including a rugby tournament, football tournament, beach clean and art gallery visit amongst other things so please read the main article to find out…
Important things to remember
The first Monday back after half term (3rd June) is a non pupil day so you children don’t start back at school until Tuesday 4th June.
Sports Day (weather permitting) is the second day back for children on Wednesday 5th June. Please see Sports Day specific article.
Another busy week this week with much talk of dinosaurs, castles and ancient Eygptians! Well done Year 6 for being so positive this week – you all know what I’m referring too. Please read on to find out what has been happening in school this week and of local events such as the Carnival Disco tonight (Friday 17th May) and Appledore Green Fayre…
This week we’ve had dinosaurs, ice bears, secret gardens, ancient Egyptians, rain sticks and Years 1 and 2 and debating the ‘Is it better to be beautiful on the outside or beautiful on the inside?’. Please read on to find out about all of this and much, much more…
It’s been a hugley busy week in school this week, not least with trips to the synagogue, Exeter tunnels and Dunster Castle so please do read on to find out about this and much, much more…
Forest School Club have been very, very active and as a result our jungle is a bust place. Please read on for more information and there are still places if you are interested in your child attending (contact details included at the end of news roundup).
Following the parent survey, please click here to read a letter about the possible provision of hot lunchtime meals from September 2019 for children in Years 3-6.
Welcome back everybody and we hope you had an enjoyable break. Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes this week…
A brilliantly productive last week with many highlights, not least the transformation of our main corridor art gallery from textiles display to our focus this half term on printing and a wonderful whole school get together to sing at each others – what a way to end a short but busy term!
This is always the term we really see the children accelerate in their learning and the assessment information I have just received from teachers certainly evidences that, so the certainly deserve their break and the chocolate this holiday brings.
Please read on to find out what has been going on in and around the classes this week and for forthcoming events…
A fabulous week crowned with a superb performance by our choir in front of two rather large audiences at Bideford College. Please read on to find out more about that and much. much more that has been going on in and around all the classes…
A busy week with much going on in and around classes, including an all week visit from Mrs Recycle. Please read on to find out more…
Please read on to find out about PTA events for the children, survey outcomes and much, much more…
Thank you to those who completed the parent survey. Common themes were communication (both positive and improvement suggestions) and extending school meals to years 3-6.
Hot Meals
In addition to the existing provision of school meals for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 as part of the Government’s scheme for free school meals for this age group, the school is considering making available hot school meals for children in Years 3-6 from September 2019 for parents to buy. To understand level of demand, please follow this link and complete the survey before Friday 29th March
Comments regarding communication were varied. We always try to get information to you as soon as possible and due to the intended audience and/or the nature of content it can necessitate communicating in different ways. In a further attempt to become more consistent we will endeavour to send letters originating from Appledore School as an email attachment and store a copy in the Parents/Letters & Forms section of
As always, please ensure we have the current email and mobile number of the primary contact because this is to whom messages will be sent.
Please read on to find out current concerns circulating about funding for schools and what has been happening in and around our classes…
Please click here to read the letter sent to all families about the concerns cuurently circulating in the media about funding levels for schools.