The children continue their emersion in various aspects of our half term whole school topic on health, ranging from learning about who keeps them safe, The Great Plague and through to a debate on the merits of a character in a story having a heart transplant! Read on to find out more…
Please read on top find out what Forest School have been up to, information on funding for our school and how you can influence it and what has been happening in and around the classes…
This week has been a week of nunerous ‘firsts’ for me in a school that includes a couple of poet pupils taking it upon themselves to convert some of the school rules into poems! Please read on to find out…it’s in the unform section.
This term we have all worked hard on what one might describe as a ‘whole school New Year’s resolution’ – only to run in school school where you’re meant to. With the excitement of Christmas looming a large number of children had forgotten this as last term drew to a close. It has been nothing short of inspirational how the whole school has worked together, led by the children, to so quickly kick this habit and left me wondering if us adults are so rapidly effective when trying to break a habit. I can’t remember the last time, if ever, I keep a New Year’s resolution! And of course, our new poet laureates wrote about running in school but I’ll save that one for another time.
Please do read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes.
Have a wonderful weekend everybody and we look forward to seeing you next week.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children.
Please do read what has been happening in all classes this week, because there is such a variety and much to ponder. This week has included children raising and discussing in P4C (Philosophy for Children) lessons questions such as ‘Are we all the same?’ and ‘If you are told not to do something, should you do it anyway?’. This second question raised by Year 2 when learning about Mary Seacole (read on to find out who she is), whilst another class are currently researching women who have changed the world and if you havent already guessed our Value for this half term is Inspirational. Additionally, all classes are getting deeper into the whole school topic on health, including learning about significant plagues throughout history!
Welcome back everybody and a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR! We’re straight back into it, so please read on to find out what has been going on in and around the classes.
Any pupil who displays one or more symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) is required to get a test. These symptoms are:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
Parents or carers of children attending school or school staff with symptoms of coronavirus should book via the government website or by calling 119.
- Devon County Council have produced a guide advising parents that is available here and an open letter to all parents.
If you are unsure regarding illness, testing, quarantining and anything associated, please do call the school on 01237 474365.
Thank you
Today brings to a close a long and very busy term and week! The last couple of weeks have presented us with our magical nativity performances firstly by Turtles and Dophing and closely followed by Years 1 and 2, rounded off by our Key Stage 2 carols service yesterday that was truly uplifting.
A bog thank you to all of you for your support of these and everything else this term. Please read on to find out more about what has been happening in and around school…
The end of another excitable week running up to Christmas that started with our nursery and reception children performing a very special nativity early. So many of you came out to see it, including returning in the evening in atrociuos weather! Thank you for all of your support. Next week it is the turn of Years 1 and 2 on Tuesday (2pm and 6pm) and then our carol service on Thursday (St Mary’s church, 2pm) – we hope to see many of you at these celebrations.
Thank you to the PTA for their help and all the staff supporting the children with the making of their Christmas enterprise craft. Each year it gets more and more creative and the ginger scented kiln fired gingerbread man tree decorations are no exception!
Please read on to find out more that has been happening in and around the school…
Another busy week a dn Christmas has certainly arrived! A big thanks to year 6 for kicking it off with our first Christmas performance with some amazing singing in the Community Hall. please read on to find out what else has been happening…
Our Christmas Jolly is 3pm-5pm on Friday 13th December. Please join us for a cuppa and cake and to admire/purchase your child’s Christmas creations, let your children make presents in the art studio with Abby, visit father Xmas and more…
Please can we have cake donations on the day and any help on the day from 1pm would be much appreciated. If you are able to offere a couple of hours on the afternoon before please email and with your permission we will forward your details on to the organisers
Every Friday in December the children can wear a Christmas jumper for a donation.
Christmas dinner is on Wednesday 11th December.
Please try and get in to school to see our Christmas hoops now on display in our main corridor. This year the theme has been Christmas food for each class and one even has a life size roast turkey!
For dates to remember, including various choir and naitivty performance, please click here.
The end of another busy week that ended with me being presented with a truly inspirational poem written by one of our Year 5 children, aged 9 years, on our whole school value for this term of Inclusion. It was thought provoking in a time when division appears to be on the rise in our society.
I would really love all of us to include every child and make sure they are never excluded
Never treat them differently and make sure everybody obeys by that rule.
Carefully offer to help and notice sad actions
Learn to be kind and polite and put in great effort to help
Use our personalities to make them feel brighter
Sit down next to them and let them speak out
Each year people struggle and being inclusive can help a lot
I’m sure our school is capable of this.
Please read on to find out what else has been happening in and around the school…
A busy week with more cross county success, Christmas starting (!), library trips, cycling proficiency, Paddington Bear, a visit from the local fire brigade and much, much more. Please read on to find out…
Christmas Dinner
Christmas dinner for children in Dolphins – Yr 6 is Wednesday 11th December. Their is no cost for Dophins, Year 1 and Year 2 and the cost for Year 3,4,5 & 6 is £3.50. For years 3-6 please book and pay on School Money by 30th Nov. A vegetarian option is available. Dolphins-Yr 2 please let your class teacher know by 30th Nov.
Another busy week with so much going on around the school. Please read on to find out more…
A busy week, not least as a result of Year 5 being on their residential and they were ace! Please read on to find out about that and what else has been happening in and around the classes…