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Jul 2, 2021

Three weeks to go and the end of another academic year will come to a close. This second half term has raced along and we are busy continuing the learning whilst preparing the pupils for their next steps.

This morning the chidlren remaining here spent time with their new teacher and the children in Year 6 continued with secondary transition activites. For more information on what has been going on the classes please read the main section of this article.

The children have participated in their bubble sports days now and all scores are in. The winning house will be announced next week. Thank you again for supportng the children with wearing their house colours.

We wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Jun 24, 2021

Sadly, we aren’t able to have parents attend sports day but that didn’t dampen the enthusiam of the children as they participated in numerous races and activities.  Once all classes have completed their races and events next week we will be in a position to add up all the scores to see which house has won. Thank you for support with providing house colour clothing.

Please read on to find out what has been going on in and around the classes…

Have a lovely weekend from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Jun 18, 2021

Our children have been out exploring this week, including some very interesting collaborative work with Appledore Library regarding local heritage. They have also continued with outdoor learning as this aspect of our curriculum just grows and grows. So much so we are going to Crowd Fund soon to ensure it is sustainable, so please keep your eyes peeled for that and spread the word when it starts!

A primary school has reported an incident where a parent has received a scam phone call from an unrecognised number requesting payment for an Anti-Bullying book. Devon IT Services will be looking into this and in the meantime we ask you to remain vigilant to any unusual calls to them that appear to be made on behalf of their children’s school requesting a payment.  If you receive any calls of this nature, please terminate the call and call us on 01237 474365

Congratualtions to Jack for being awared the Bridge Trust Citizenship Award. Now that is impressive!  

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Jun 11, 2021

For once, we had good weather during a half term AND a bank holiday and it has continued now we are all back. This has enabled outdoor learning to recommence on our first day back and there is much planting going on around the site by the children. Competition is fierce for who can plant the sunflower that grows the tallest!

Please read on to find out about sports day, class teachers next year, Royal Marine Cadets and what has been going on in and round the school.

Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

May 28, 2021

During every holiday school is required to be aware of any positive Covid cases of pupils. If your child receives a positive test please email and with a telephone number you can be contacted on.

As half term approaches, please continue to be vigilant of your child’s online activities to ensure they remain safe. Click here for some recent eSaftey guidance.

Please be aware their are two non-pupil days after half term and all pupils return to school on Wednesday 2nd June.

Wishing you all a great (and dry!) half term from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

May 24, 2021

New club open to children in Dolphins (reception) to Year 6

We are hoping to open an afterschool gardening club to continue elements of outdoor learning the children have been experiencing during the school day. We’ve got a large polytunnel on site and now we need it operational!  Any potential profits from this club will be reinvested in the school’s outdoor learning for the benefit of the children.

For more information, please click here and for more information please email


May 21, 2021

A fun, albeit wet, week in school. Please do read the main body of this article to discover  what has been going on in the classes, because as always everyone has been very busy!

Well done Lottie for wiinning a very worthwhile competition to design a wooden belly board for a scheme with Plastic Free Torridge. The board will be rented out in Westward Ho! over the summer to reduce the use of polystyrene boards. Very proud parents Lottie, so well done you!

PETROC are holidng a range of webinars for adults 19+ years  focusing on starting careers in specific areas; education, salon serviceshealthcare and construction.

Best wishes for the weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff 

May 12, 2021

Despite the weather this wek has involved lots of outdoor learning and it has been a pleasure to hear the children thoroughly enjoying themselves. Please read on to find ou what has been going on in each class.

Wishing you all a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

May 7, 2021

Once again, a full on week in school with much going on. Please do readthe main section of this article to find out what has been going on in and around the classes.

Bideford Youth Centre is now open and running a session for Year 6 and Year 7 children on Wednesdays 3.30-5.30pm. For more information please click here

Please can you ensure correct school uniform is worn now that non-essential shops have reopened.Trainers,leggings and bright socks are not school uniform and shoulder length hair on girls and boys is to be tied back. For full information on all uniform requirement please visit

Wishing you all a very enjoyable weekend.

Best wishes from 

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff 

Apr 30, 2021

 A poignant week for us all with the arrival of the Year 6 leavers hoodies as it encourages reflection on their time here, which for a number has been 8 years!  This week they discussed the proverb ‘slow and steady wins the race’ and we can only hope that such an approach to the government easing of COVID restrictions over the coming months means they can fully remain in school and enjoy their last term together before they depart to various secondary schools. So far, and credit must be extended to all of you due to your support of the precautions introduced in our community, we have seen very few positive cases in our school community and thank you.  Please continue with the precautions as we enter a summer with renewed optimisim.

Once again, so much has been happening in and around the classrooms so please do read on to find out more.

Wishing you all a very happy and safe bank holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday.

Best wishes from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Apr 22, 2021

Welcome back everyboy and we hope you had an enjoyable Easter break.  Once again the children have bounced back in to school full of energy and ethusiasm.

A very busy week, so please do read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes.

Please ensure that the children wear appropriate footwear, notably school shoes (not trainers or canvas shoes) and dark socks. More information on the correct uniform is on our website. 

We are a school that hosts trainee teaching students for Devon Primary SCITT, an ‘Outstanding’ teaching training programme. They have asked us to share an advert for a Business Manager position they are advertising, so please click here for more information.

All Devon primary schools have been contacted by Devon County Council regarding a recent “playground craze” toy consisting of very small, powerful round magnets. They are brightly coloured, look like sweets, are traded on the playground and easily hidden.  If your child has some of these, please ensure they are not brought in to school and that you are aware of the dangers we have been informed of in that they have caused severe injuries to children when swallowed, deliberately, or more commonly accidentally, when doing tricks that involve putting some of them in the mouth with more on the outside of the cheek.

We suggest you raise awareness for children and parents of the dangers of putting these balls in the mouth and you may want to control how these are coming into school.

Best wishes for an enjoyable weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Apr 1, 2021

Happy Easter everyone and what a wonderful day it has been in school. Today has included presenting our Values Cup to a truly inspirational child, sowing seeds in our polytunnel and the planting of our new orchard and many plants in our planters and beds. So not much on the last day of term.

We say a fond farewell to Mrs Smale and thank her for all she has done for the school.

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 19th April.

Best wishes from 

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Mar 24, 2021

Hi everybody and we hope you are all well. Another busy week of outdoor learning and learning about Marie Curie and explorers, asking questions such as  ‘Do you have to be successful at everything?’ and ‘Why did people think the World was flat?’ and being involved in the redisgning of our outdoor space.  So please do read Around the Classes in this report to find out more. 

Next week is the last week before we break for Easter and the last day of this busy term is Thursday 1st April and we return to school on Monday 19th.

Next week we say goodbye to Mrs Smale. Mrs Smale is retiring at the end of this term after 18 years here at Appledore School. Mrs Smale’s contribution to the school has been huge and her leadership of all things musical at school has been incredible. She will be sorely missed by us all and we wish her all the very best.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Best wishes from 

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Mar 19, 2021

Sorry all you Argyle fans (Mrs Bannister included), but it was a sea of red at school today to mark Comic Relief! Thank you for your contrubutions.

Parent Meetings for Years 1-6 will be held during the last two weeks of this term and again will be virtual. They will either be online or by telephone and notification to book a time slot on Teachers2Parents has been sent to you by text and email. If you are experiencing any difficulty with booking, please contact

Citizen’s Advice Devon have asked us to make our families aware of the availability of Covid Winter Fuel Vouchers to help with utility bill. For more information please click here 

We wish you all a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Best wishes from 

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Mar 12, 2021

It’s great to wlecome all the children back, finally, and they have settled so well. Thank you for preparing them so well. Lots has been happening this week, so pleas eread on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes.

Did remote learning put you off teaching or did it inspire you? If it was the latter, please click here for a link explaining one possible route into primary teaching.

Comic Relief is next Friday (19th) and for a small donation children can wear red on the day.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff.

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