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Nov 19, 2021

A day of spots and stripes and various items of Children in Need regalia. Thank you for supporting the children with this worthy cause.

Please read on to find out what has been happenin in and around the classes…

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Nov 12, 2021

Next Friday (19th) is Children and Need and we invite the children to wear spots, stripes and any other Children in Need regalia for a donation that we will collect on the day.

We are currently planning the when and how surrounding the children’s celebrations of Christmas and will communicate these to you as soon as possible. We are planning for there to be a Foundation Stage (Turtles and Dolphins) nativity, a Key Stage 1 (years 1 & 2) nativity and a singing of carols by Key Stage 2 (years 3-6 and possibly more year groups). Sadly, due to the prevalence of Covid in our community, it is highly unlikely these will be performed to audiences consisting of parents, carers and the wider family and for this we are hugely dissapointed. We will ensure they are recorded for you to view and hope you understand and support this decision aimed at keeping families and staff safe immediately prior to us all breaking-up for Christmas break.     

We wish you all a lovely weekend.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Nov 5, 2021

A very full week following half term and the children have responded with their usual high levels of energy and enthusiasm. Please do read the main section of this post to find out what has been happening in each of the classes this week.

We have been given a date of Wednesday 17th December for the nasal flu vaccination of pupils in Dophins to Year 6. We will be sending out further details (including consent forms) when we receive them.

We wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Oct 18, 2021

As mentioned last week, trips have continued this week for various classes and have included the Year 5 residential trip to Georgeham House, Year 1 to Exmoor Zoo and Year 3 to the Eden Project. Despite rain, rain and more rain all trips were a real success.

Please click on the title to find out about local events that may interest you, information regarding outdoor afterschool clubs, the pending flu nasal spray and what has been happening in and around the classes this week.

We wish you all an ejoyable half term and look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 1st November.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff



Oct 14, 2021

This week and next week include numerous trips linked to various aspects of the children’s learning and we wish Year 5 a fun residential trip at the beginning of next week.

Please read the main section of this article to find out what has been happening around the school and of other local events and activities that may be of interest to you and your children.

We wish you a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff 

Oct 7, 2021

A week of visitors and trips. Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes and for some interesting village events…

Have a great weekend everybody

From Jeremy Cooper and all of the children and staff

Sep 29, 2021

It’s been another busy week for the children at school and on for our Year 6 on their residential trip on Dartmoor – lots of water and mud I understand! Please read the main section of this article to find out what has been happening in all of the classes. 

Over the coming days, please keep and eye our for email and text notifications inviting you to book a time for parents’ evenings. These appointments will be face-to-face in school and over the last two weeks of this half term. Please wear a mask to the appointment. 

We wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff 

Sep 22, 2021

it seems a long time since we were able to take the children on trips, so it was a pleasure for us to take some of our younger children to a honey farm this week as part of their eco topic on bees. Next week brings another feeling of normality for our Year 6 children who are looking forward to attending a residental week on Dartmoor.

As ever, the school has been a hive (see what I did there?) of activity this week and please read on to find out what has been happening in and around all of the classes.

A small number of children are arriving very early to school unsupervised. Please be aware that pupils should not be entering the site before 8.40pm and the breakfast club is available should you need support.

We wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Sep 16, 2021

A super week with a lot going on around teh school.

After school clubs are up and running now and we have a few remaing spaces in Tuesday art club and Wednesday eco club.  Please contact if you are interested in one of these clubs.

This week has proved that Covid 19 remains in our community with cases in school. Thank you for our support with testing your children and your prompt information regarding test results. We are in colds season and the number of children coughing will be higher than usual, so your support of us erring on the side of caution and getting tests for new and persistent coughs is really appreciated. Thank you.  Please remain extra vigilant to possible Covid 19 symptoms and advise us of any test results, including em,ailing test results received over the weekend to

Please click on the headline to read all of this article to find out what has been going on in and around the classes…

We wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Sep 8, 2021

This week has been a most enjoyable week for us all. To have all the children back and with greater freedoms is a real pleasure and it looks like they are enjoying it to.

Welcome back to all of you who are returning this year and a very warm welcome to those of you new to us. We hope all of your children have enjoyed their first week of this academic year and if you have questions or concerns, please speak with any of us and we are here to help.

Please take a look at the News section of the school website every Friday. Unless it has been just one of those Fridays, this newsletter will be avaialble before the end of the school day. If it’s not there by then, it soon will be. The newsletter is aimed at providing you with information on what has been happening in all of the classes and other information that we hope is of interest to you.

Please read the main section of this news article and we wish you all a lovely weekend.

Best wishes from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Aug 24, 2021

Please see below information regarding school opening in September and a further document that details contingency planning for a potential local outbreak of Covid-19 in school.  We look forward to welcoming you in September and if you have any questions please contact and we will answer as soon as possible.

Covid What happens if… questions and letter – Spetember 16th

Plan for managing a local outbreak of Covid-19

NHS guide for parents and guardians of children returning to primary school

Jul 21, 2021

An end of a busy week, a busier term and arguably the busiest year! Lots to read about as we end term, so please click on the headline to read the main section of this article for news of this week and next year.

For those departing we wish you every success (please do keep in touch) and for those returning we look forward to welcoming you back in September.

We wish you all a happy and safe summer. 

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Jul 20, 2021
Latest post 0821 Friday 23rd July 

Year Six have had an amazing last week at Simonsbath. They have completed many challenges at the centre, rode mountain bikes on Exmoor, got very wet from a river scramble and spent a fantastic day in Lynmouth.

Another amazing day on the Y6 residential. The children have challenged themselves to climb to new heights and work as a team.  They played hide and seek in the woods this evening before cooling off in the stream.  The mountain biking out on Exmoor was the favourite activity today.  All have worked hard and managed the heat well.  A few bruises and insect bites but all still having a fantastic time.  Most getting a good 10 hours sleep! They are looking forward to going to Lynton and Lynmouth today.

Yesterday included a river study and walk, zip wire, archery and river scramble.  In the evening year 6 played fun games. Everyone was keen to get to bed after the hot chocolate at 8pm.  All are looking forward to today’s challenges.

A safe journey to Simonsbath and a fantastic day yesterday. All ate really well last night and had a good night sleep. A very warm day and all children are being supported with learning how to protect themselves from such weather. They are out in the river today were it will be cooler.

Jul 15, 2021

Castle building, trips to the Eden Project and a day on Lundy are part of another busy week. Please read the main body of this article to find out what has been happening in all the classes this week

With today being their last whole day in school due to them having a residential trip at Simonsbath next week, Year 6 have been saying their goodbyes. When I left them 10 minutes ago they were juggling dougnuts and Sharpie pens whilst trying to eat them  and write on one another’s shirts! The weather looks perfect for them next week and we all wish them well next weeks and for their new adventures at secondary school.

Please be aware that whilst the Government plans to remove many Covid protective measures on Monday our arrangements will remain in place next week.

A new relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education curriculum is now in place and a new policy is available for your viewing. Please contact us is you have any questions regarding this.

We wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Jul 7, 2021

Congratulations to Indian House for winning sports day. It was a very, very close competition and the children participated in good spirit and provided immense support to one another.

Now that the country is moving towards an easing of Covid restrictions the Department for Education has published information for parents of children in schools.  We have also written a letter to all parents and sent this out to you by email earlier this week. The current school organisation and protective measures will stay in place until the end of this term.

Wakeboarding, gong farming, castle buiding, Tarka Trail hiking, algorithms, online safety training and making birdboxes (plus lots of reading, writing and maths) have all been part of a ‘normal’ week. Please read the main section of the article to find out more of what has been happening in and around the classes this week.

School start time is as per normal on Monday and we look forward to a competitive match played in good spirit on Sunday and wish you the outcome you desire, wherever your loyalties and allegiances lie!

Have a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff 

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