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Mar 21, 2025

Spring is not only officially here, because probably the most exciting thing happening here this week was the children being able to go on the field at lunchtime and this usually signals springtime!

Great to see the children in red today, despite the displeasure it caused our resident diehard PAFC supporter who goes by the name of Mrs Bannister! Thank you for supporting the children with wearing red for Comic Relief.

  • School Spring Disco Friday 28th March and more information here
  • Sports Day Tuesday 17th June and reserve date is Tuesday 24th June
  • Please keep an eye out for communication regarding forthcoming parents evenings

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have continued to learn about spring. We have matched animals to that young and found out about the different types of flowers that grow in Spring. On Thursday we had a go at making a daffodil using a range of different materials. Today we went down to the woods to look for signs of spring.

In year 1 this week to start our new writing unit on instructions we made stretchy slime, the children worked in groups to follow the instructions and then had a fantastic time playing with it. There are some photos on google classroom and some instructions to make edible slime if you fancy having a go at home! In science we continued our learning about the human body by thinking about our senses. We took part in some experiments where we had to guess objects by just using just our sense of touch or hearing. They had great fun guessing food by using their sense of smell only. On Friday we continued our senses work in outdoor learning by focusing on our sight and hearing senses. If you fancy doing your own taste test at home there is a video on google classrooms. Have a lovely weekend!

Year 2 invited two visitors into the classroom this week. One visitor was a Muslim lady. She spoke to the children about what being a Muslim means to her and the five pillars of Islam. She was very impressed by their knowledge and they asked some really interesting questions. The second visitor was a trombone player from Appledore Band. She showed them how the instrument works and played some tunes for them. They were really inspired for their next lesson with the p-bones (plastic trombones). In Maths, they have been looking at capacity and volume. They have been working in groups to use different containers to measure capacity and volume. In English, they have been writing their own animal books with the facts they have been learning. We have been very impressed with how their writing skills are improving. Well done!

Year 3 have begun to plan their spooky story that they will record over the soundtrack they have created in Yu Studio. Year 4 had fun trying to match onomatopoeia to the cyclic patterns they have created which they will also record into their composition as an audio file. Year 5 added a subtrakt to their composition and will begin structuring their final piece. In RE, year 3 designed Mendhi patterns, year 4 made palm crosses and designed alter cloths, year 5 looked at how a Hindu strives to be truthful and do know harm and year 6 researched a number of different twentieth century martyrs.

Seahunter class (year 3) have had a brilliant week. In Maths, we recapped reading scales and then we learnt all about grams and kilograms. In English, we explored the use of the present perfect tense and then used this to write a letter to congratulate Arthur on saving his town. Towards the end of the week, we began to plan our own quest story based on Arthur and the Golden Rope. In Geography, we explored the quality of our local environment. We discussed what we thought made a good local environment, and then came up with our own criteria for measuring the quality of a street. In PE, we focused on our sending and receiving skills and also explored some different counter balances with a partner. In Values, we thought about what is helpful and harmful for our bodies and sorted our ideas into a venn diagram. In Computing, we discussed how digital devices can help us by changing the way we work, and we began to recognise some similarities and differences between using digital devices and non-digital tools.

In year 4 this week, the children have written a nonfiction piece about volcanoes and earthquakes which links nicely to their Geography unit. The children explained clearly how volcanoes and earthquakes occur using technical vocabulary and they also wrote a ‘fantasy’ way of ‘how they thought’ earthquakes and volcanoes occur which links to the style of the English text ‘Until I Met Dudley’, They have been a joy to read and soon they will be published for everyone to see displayed in the main building. In Maths, we are coming to the end of learning fractions where the children have now learnt about how to add and subtract from mixed numbers. In PE, the children took part in a circuit of activities where they had to practise their sending and receiving skills with a ball, such as footballs, tennis balls and rackets and throwing and catching, and they counted how many successful passes they did. Next week they will see whether they can beat their scores! In outdoor learning, the children looked for living things around the school and classified them.

It has been a very busy and physical week for many in the year 5 class. Well done to all those who took part in the bikeability sessions and achieved your level 1 and 2 cycling skills awards. Badges and certificates are coming home on Friday! In our writing sessions this week we have continued to develop our explanation writing skills and linking this to our science work. New inventions have been created ready for our final piece of writing next week. We have completed our unit of maths work on decimals and percentages and we will end the term with further work on fractions. In science we used our graphs skills to see the difference in weight and height of baby boys and girls and then the life cycle of a butterfly and frog. The caterpillars in class are growing quickly!!

Year 6 have completed work on percentages, decimals and fractions this week as well as looking into calculating angles. In Literacy, they have been having fun with ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ planning and writing their own versions. In reading, they have been going over 3 mark questions and looking at how to improve answers: some great improvements so far. Revision will begin in class just before the holidays – it’s time to make sure you know your grammar and maths facts. Please remind children to ask in class if there are things that they are unsure about.

Mar 14, 2025

It’s great to see classes taking advantage of our wonderful grounds during lessons by taking aspects of learning outside of the classrooms. To find out more please read the Around the Classes section further down this post.

Comic Relief is next Friday, so it’s wear red for the day and if you are able to donate please feel free to send it in to school.

The charity Book Relief in Bideford has kindly donated a wide range of second-hand natural history books on topics the children are investigating in the Royal Society ‘Tomorrow’s Climate Scientists’ project. Similarly, The British Trust for Ornithology has also donated bird identification books. Developing a permanent library of reference books is one goal of this project.

Safeguarding conversations with pupils this week has highlighted that children are accessing online activities at ages below, in some cases significantly below, the minimum age ratings. One example is the currently popular online game Dumb Ways to Die that has a recommended age restriction of 12+. For general advice on age restrictions see here and specific app age guidelines see here

  • Class photos will be taken next week on Tuesday 18th March
  • School Spring Disco Friday 28th March and more information here
  • Sports Day Tuesday 17th June and reserve date is Tuesday 24th June
  • Please keep an eye out for communication regarding forthcoming parents evenings

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Mar 7, 2025

Already, it’s March! And of course March brings, amongst other things, World Book Day. Teachers enjoyed sharing a story that is special to them with a different class and the children, dressed in various costume, looked like they enjoyed it too!

Our project with The Royal Society is gaining momentum and today it is year 5s turn. Spending the day at PETROC, they will be looking at water monitoring and using microscopes, exploring underwater acoustics and lastly using 360 cameras to produce a film based on water pollution. This links with our desire to build a discovery centre at Appledore School and more information about that can be found here.

The internet has many benefits children and it is becoming an integral part of their lives. Unfortunately, it has its dark side and senior leaders at school received safeguarding training updates this week and internet safety and internet dangers formed part of this. A key message was that online activities we might have presumed were typical of teenagers are becoming increasingly typical in primary age children. Internet Watch Foundation is a recognised organisation that provides support and resources for parents and carers to support safe internet use by their children, including a T.A.L.K. checklist. Dove, the personal care brand, has produced a range of videos, many child friendly, that are a good starting point for a conversation with your child. The one here that highlights how the internet can affect body image and self esteem

Miss Olliffe is running a cake stall and raffle on Saturday at Chantal Law Fitness and Pilates studio, the Pill Bideford 7.45 – 11.00 am to raise some funds towards here Hyrox World Championship trip to Chicago. Qualifying for this is competition is a huge achievement and more information about it can be found here.

  • Wednesday 12th March Torridge Family Hub, Victoria Park, Bideford is holding a free drop-in for parents to chat to Speech and Language therapists and Special Educational Needs Advisors. See here for more information.
  • Class photos will be taken on 18th March
  • Sports Day Tuesday 17th June and reserve date is Tuesday 24th June
  • Please keep an eye out for communication regarding forthcoming parents evenings

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Feb 28, 2025

Welcome back and we hope you all had a good half term.

Some months ago the newsletter included information regarding a ‘Discovery Centre’ that we hope to build on our school site. This will provide a dedicated place for the children to engage with environmental studies, science, technology, engineering and maths learning for primary school children, their families and the wider community.  You can see what we believe it could look like and find out more by clicking here. Our next stage is to get the plans through planning permission stage and we are hoping to raise this through fundraising led by parents association. Please see here for more information and if you are able to donate, and no donation is too small, that would be great please.

As a school we encourage a sense of belonging and strongly believe that every member of our community should be treated with respect and kindness. This is supported in many areas of curriculum, including one of our core PSHE values and areas of learning being Inclusive, and observance of days such as International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21st March). We firmly believe that any form of disability, racial religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender based prejudice or hostility towards another person is unacceptable.

llsham National English Hub would like to invite you to attend a FREE session on Wednesday 5th March 2-3pm to support you with helping your child at home in their reading journey. During this free, hour-long session, The Ilsham National English hub team will be sharing videos and practical solutions to support practice at home. The focus will be on supporting your child to become an expressive fluent reader.
This session is targeted at families (including grandparents), carers, childminders and before/after school provision workers. It is designed to support children from pre school age up to the end of Key Stage One (Year 2). For booking a place please see here

Dates for the diary:

  • World Book Day 2025 is Thursday 6th March. Turtles, Dolphins, Years 1 and 2 can come to school dressed in pyjamas for a bedtime story. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can dress in pyjamas or as a character from a book they have read
  • 9.30am-12.30pm
  • Wednesday 12th March Torridge Family Hub, Victoria Park, Bideford is holding a free drop-in for parents to chat to Speech and Language therapists and Special Educational Needs Advisors. See here for more information.
  • Class photos will be taken on 18th March
  • Sports Day Tuesday 17th June and reserve date is Tuesday 24th June
  • Please keep an eye out for communication regarding forthcoming parents evenings

Wishing you all a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Feb 10, 2025

This week included continuation of two of two of our Royal Society ‘tomorrow’s climate scientists’ investigations. Year 4 with follow-on work with the British Trust for Ornithology on data they collected and Year 5 storyboarding for their day at Pertoc where they will be extending their leaning about plastic in the sea.

FOAS (Friends Of Appledore School) are a small group of dedicated parents who organise events (eg cake sales, discos, fairs etc) to raise money for the school. This money is used not only to fund some ‘extras’ that wouldn’t otherwise happen, but also to help with ensuring those ‘extras’ that the always school does that make the school what is is and aren’t typically available in other schools. Please see here for a lovely glossy newsletter they have produced and if you can spend a few hours each term helping them, your help would be very much appreciated.

We are delighted Mrs Wilkins and Mrs Stephens are returning to us later this term from maternity leave. Mrs Wilkins will return immediately after the Easter holiday to Year 1 in a part time capacity and we are equally delighted that Mrs Malyn will continue to teach in Year 1 for the rest of the week. The week before the Easter holiday, Mrs Stephens will return the to Year 2 and resume the successful partnership she has shared for a number of years with Mrs Stanbury. Both arrangements will ensure continuity for the children this year and Mr Stephens and Mrs Wilkins will visit to get to now the children before their return dates.

To read our attendance letter for January, please see here

Next half term our value is Healthy and children will continue to learn about how they can keep themselves safe and healthy. Included within this is the statutory curriculum for relationship, sex and health education. Information has been sent to parents via email and to see the content of the email and for the links to understand what is being taught please see here.

Diary dates:

  • Cake sale after school today on the bottom playground (or the hall if it is wet and/or too windy)
  • For half term holiday football camps see here
  • Saturday 22nd February, 10am-12pm, free Bird Box Workshop in Appledore Library
  • World Book Day 2025 is Thursday 6th March. Turtles, Dolphins, Years 1 and 2 can come to school dressed in pyjamas for a bedtime story. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can dress in pyjamas or as a character from a book they have read
  • 9.30am-12.30pm Wednesday 12th March Torridge Family Hub, Victoria Park, Bideford is holding a free drop-in for parents to chat to Speech and Language therapists and Special Educational Needs Advisors. See here for more information.
  • Sport Day Tuesday 17th June and reserve date is Tuesday 24th June

Wishing you all a good half term

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Feb 10, 2025

Dear parents and carers

Next half term our value is Healthy and children will continue to learn about how they can keep themselves safe and healthy. Included within this is the statutory curriculum for relationship, sex and health education.

To support you with understanding what will be taught and to address initial questions and concerns we have published information, including relevant outline lesson plans and FAQs, on our school website

The lesson plans content meets the Department of Education statutory requirements of what we have to teach and the timing of the content, which may have been earlier than some expect, is based on guidance that ensures children become aware of what they need to know before it could happen, e.g. girls menstruating.

The lessons are designed to ensure children are safe and safeguarded and delivered sensitively and in a way to eliminate stigma, which is why lessons will be taught to boys and girls. Opportunities for children to ask questions 1:1 or in small same sex groups will be provided if proving necessary.

Please follow the links to understand what will be taught and to prepare yourself for questions your children may ask following their lessons. If you have any questions, please email and we will respond asap and prior to the delivery of the lessons.


Feb 7, 2025

A fun week that included Year 5 sharing their space models and continuing writing their space logs! Please read the Around the Classes section to find out more…

We are working closely with Martha Boalch, Appledore Community Animator for the North Devon Biosphere’s new Community Project, is very much involved with our Royal Society ‘Tomorrow’s Climate Scientists’ project where we are encouraging the children to also get involved in community environmental projects. In addition to assisting the school in many of our year group science investigations, Martha is also inviting families to complete the Biosphere Online Survey, which will help the Biosphere to understand any barriers to engaging with the environment, and the issues that matter to communities.

Next half term our value is Healthy and children will continue to learn about how they can keep themselves safe and healthy. Included within this is the statutory curriculum for relationship, sex and health education. Information has been sent to parents via email and to see the content of the email and for the links to understand what is being taught please see here.

Torridge Family Hub, Victoria Park, Bideford is holding a free drop-in for parents to chat to Speech and Language therapists and Special Educational Needs Advisors if you worried about your child’s developing language skills, want to know how you can help at with language development in the home, what ‘behaviour is communication’ really means and how talking with your child can support their reading and writing. See here for more information.

Diary dates:

  • After school on Friday 14th February, the last day before half term, there will be a cake sale run by FOAS and our year 6 children. Cake donations please and if you want to donate themed cakes it is Valentines Day after all!
  • Saturday 22nd February, 10am-12pm, free Bird Box Workshop in Appledore Library
  • World Book Day 2025 is Thursday 6th March. Turtles, Dolphins, Years 1 and 2 can come to school dressed in pyjamas for a bedtime story. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can dress in pyjamas or as a character from a book they have read

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Jan 31, 2025

Thank you those of you who shop at Asda and nominated us as your school for ‘Cashpot for Schools’. We have just heard that the school will receive £446!

Kingsley School are holding their Senior School Open Day on 27th February from 10am – 11.30am or 2pm – 3.30pm and place can be booked here. If you have any questions for their Admissions Team, including the range of scholarships available, they can be reached on 01237 426200 or by email at

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 24, 2025

Friday means outdoor learning and I can hear Year 1 outside having what sounds like a tremendous time. As per usual, please take a read of Around the Classes to find out what each class has been up to this week.

On Saturday 25th January plastic Free North Devon are holding there mass community clean up across North Devon and Torridge. For information on how to get involved see here

Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 17, 2025

A super week that has flown by!  Please take a look at the Around the Classes section to find out what has been happening.

Are you or your child interested in trying out Taiko drumming? If so, please see here. Adult lessons also available.

If necessary, pupils may  wear a smart watch provided it is not a distraction. If the watch does prove to be a distraction, please be aware they will be removed and we will request it is not worn to school.

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 10, 2025

Welcome back everyone and a happy New Year to you all. We hope you had a lovely break and it is great to have the children back in school and the vibrancy that brings.

Today we launched our collaboration project with scientists from throughout the South West who will be visiting school and working with each class from year 1 to year 6. For more information on what the children will be doing in Tomorrow’s Climate Scientists Project, please see here.   A big than you to Lucy Willans and Mrs Wetz for organising this mammoth project. It’s year 4 this morning to start the project and that’s where I’m off to once this is written to find out what they are up to!

A busy week, so please do read the Around the Classes section to find out what has been happening in each class. To find out what your child will be learning this term see here. As you can see, the week is very busy in each class and so good attendance is vital to ensuring children reach their potential. For our December attendance newsletter, please see here.

Are you wanting to become more aware of online dangers, up to date apps, tips on how to parent a teenager, understanding their emotions & how their brain works? Although aimed at parents of children aged 11-18, DICE could be the perfect programme for you!  Please see here for more information.

The children are looking smart in the uniforms, thank you, and for a few they are wearing trainers to school. Please ensure the children attend school in correct specified footwear, ie flat, black sensible school shoes or boots. Shoes are to be plain with no coloured logos and boots must not have excessive detailing, be Ugg style or made from soft fabric. Crocs or trainers are not acceptable.  For more information on school uniform please see here and if please remember that we hold a range of good condition previously worn uniform.

Best wishes

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Dec 20, 2024

FOAS would like to say a massive thank you for your  support of the Christmas fair last week. They raised £973.35 and wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. The next FOAS meeting is 7th January 8pm at the Royal in Appledore for anyone wishing to help organise next year’s fundraisers.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at St. Mary’s Church today and very well done to all the children who sang, danced and acted their socks off. What a fun way to end the term and celebrate Christmas. Thank you for all the help with the learning of words and the supplying of lovely costumes. The children looked amazing.

As the curtain falls on the term and all of our wonderful various nativity celebrations, including a visit from Father Christmas himself, our planning for next term is already in full swing. Starting as soon as we get back after Christmas, the children will participate become involved in an exciting climate project that involves them working with respected local scientists and experts to understand how they can increase biodiversity in the village and the wider community. Please see here for an overview of the project.

Thank you for all your support this term and we wish you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to welcoming you back in the New Year on Monday 6th January.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Dec 18, 2024

Christmas Fair today after school in the school car park!

First the class Christmas hoops in the main corridor and then a week of Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 nativities. Thank you for coming along and being the audiences for these and we look forward to rounding them off next Friday with Key Stage 2 at St Mary’s Church.

Last Friday, year 5 performed Bethlehem Ballroom as part of the Appledore light switch on celebrations. It was tremendous fun. The children put on a great show which was truly enjoyed by the enthusiastic audience. They were a bit too enthusiastic actually as they got carried away with the scoring paddles which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Very well done to the year 5 children. I can’t wait to see what happens next Friday. We will be staging the extended version of the show with dancing, singing and lots of Christmas laughs. We look forward to seeing you at St. Mary’s church for a lovely celebration of Christmas.

Diary dates:

  • Wear your Christmas jumper to school 20th December
  • Year 3-6 Christmas Service, 2pm, Friday 20th December, St Mary’s Church
  • Christmas fair, after school, Friday 13th December in the car park
  • For details of Christmas activity camps at West Croft School, Bideford, over the Christmas holiday please see here

Have a lovely weekend everybody

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Dec 6, 2024

Christmas trees are on sale in the school car park after school today from 3pm and for each sold the school receives a financial donation

The first newsletter of December, so not long now! Judging by the excitement our Christmas hoops caused you’d be mistaken for thinking for thinking it is Christmas day already. Please do come and have look if you have a moment.

Attendance continues to be of utmost importance and please see here for our November attendance newsletter.

Diary dates:

  • Christmas trees are on sale in the school car park after school on Friday and for each sold the school receives a financial donation
  • Year 1&2 Christmas performance, 2.30pm Monday 9th December and 9.30am Tuesday 10th December, school hall
  • Turtles and Dolphins Christmas play, 2pm, Tuesday 10th December, school hall
  • Christmas Lunch at school 11th December
  • Wear your Christmas jumper to school days are 11th December and 20th December
  • For nursery age children and younger, please see here for info about a Christmas grotto at Bideford Family Hub
  • Year 3-6 Christmas Service, 2pm, Friday 20th December, St Mary’s Church
  • Christmas fair, after school, Friday 13th December in the car park
  • For details of Christmas activity camps at West Croft School, Bideford, over the Christmas holiday please see here

Have a lovely weekend everybody

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Nov 28, 2024

Our House Captains have organised a photo competition with Christmas and/or winter being the theme.  All entries to by Monday 9th December please. Please see here for the super poster created by ‘advertising director’ Joe.

Last Friday, the key stage 2 choir performed at The Music Memory Cafe at Bideford Football Ground. It was a joyous and festive occasion with the children singing a programme of some of the most beautiful songs from our productions over the last few years. The organizer described the event as “emotionally nourishing” for the people with dementia and the children were also enriched by the experience. They were enthusiastic, polite and cheerful. As well as singing our songs we joined in with rounds with the attendees of the cafe and the children helped draw the raffle. Well done to all those who took part and thank you Miss Carr for teaching the choir sop well and making this happen.

Devon County Council have grouped together information on how to get support if you don’t have enough money to live on which can be found here 

Diary dates:

  • For details of Bideford Parade on Sunday 1st December and the switching on of the lights please see here, here, here and here!
  • Year 1&2 Christmas performance, 2.30pm Monday 9th December and 9.30am Tuesday 10th December, school hall
  • Turtles and Dolphins Christmas play, 2pm, Tuesday 10th December, school hall
  • Christmas Lunch at school 11th December
  • Wear your Christmas jumper to school days are 11th December and 20th December
  • For nursery age children and younger, please see here for info about a Christmas grotto at Bideford Family Hub
  • Year 3-6 Christmas Service, 2pm, Friday 20th December, St Mary’s Church
  • Christmas fair, after school, Friday 13th December in the car park
  • For details of Christmas activity camps at West Croft School, Bideford, over the Christmas holiday please see here

Have a lovely weekend everybody

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

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