Pupil Premium

Closing the gap

The Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that directs additional money towards pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds for whom research shows as being susceptible to under-performing pupils when benchmarked against non-disadvantaged backgrounds. The Pupil Premium is provided to support these children in achieving their potential.

At Appledore School pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium are prioritised to ‘close the gap’ in attainment and progress and in support of meeting their social and emotional needs.

Whilst the Government does not dictate how to use this funding, it does require schools to spend the money effectively ensuring that schools are accountable for their spending of the Pupil Premium.

Click here for 2024-2025 spending report and evaluation of 2023-2024 spending.

Our Pupil Premium Champion and Designated Teacher for looked after and previously looked after children is Katherine Clement.

If your child attends Appledore School and you think they may be entitled to Pupil Premium, please complete this form.

To check for eligibility please visit the government website.

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