Turtles & Dolphins (Foundation Stage Unit)

Please click here for our Dolphins Planning and here for our Turtles Planning.

Please click here to read our letter about children applying sun cream

Please click here to read the transcript for the reading videos.

We visited the Lifeboat Station and Martin and Owen showed us how they save people. We also had great fun rock pooling afterwards. We found lots of crabs!

We had a great morning taking part in our annual Turtles and Dolphins Sports Day.

Please click on the links to read our stories based on The Three Little Pigs.

The Three Hedgehogs and the Big Bad Unicorn.

The Three Little Dolphins and the Big Bad Turtle.

The Three Little Birds and the Big Bad Monster.

The Three Marios and the Big Bad Pig.

We tested different materials to see which ones were waterproof.

We had a letter from the Three Little Pigs asking us to build houses that were ‘wolf proof’.

We worked in groups to write our own stories based on ‘Goldilocks and the three Bears.’ You can click on the links to read them.

Elsa and the Wolves

Wendy and the three Pigs

The Snake and the three Crocodiles

Princess Peach and the Unicorns

We made and tasted some porridge. It was delicious!

We have been investigating 3D shapes. We had to find out which ones roll and which ones don’t roll. We used the ramps to help us find this out. Afterwards we sorted them into two groups and tried to work out why some roll and some don’t.

We decided that cones and cylinders were the best rollers. Then we made our own ramps to roll the shapes down.

After reading the story ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’, we went to the woods to find three of the same object. We had to have a big one, a medium one and a small one. We also thought of other words that mean ‘big’ and ‘small’.

We went to the woods to make our own beanstalks.

The Giant from Jack and the beanstalk left us a letter. He had lost his key and we found it! We decided to draw around our feet and find out whether they were bigger or smaller than the Giants.

Then we designed and made our own pair of shoes.

We were asked to make a 10s frame. We could use any of the resources in the classroom. Here they are.

We were set the challenge of making a daffodil. We could only use paper plates, straws, boxes or tubes. What do you think?

We enjoyed taking part in some egg and spoon races this morning.

We used our senses to explore the woods and look for signs of Spring. We had to find three things that we could see, hear, touch and smell linked to Spring.

We went on a Safari today.

As part of World Book Day, we watch a video of Nick Sharratt reading his book ‘Shark in the park’. Afterwards, he gave a demonstration of drawing Mr Pope. We had a go at following his step by step instructions.

We travelled to China today on ‘Appledore Airways’. We had an inflight snack and drink. Once we arrived in China we went sightseeing and we had something to eat before we flew home. We had a great time!

We have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We made Chinese Dumplings and they were delicious!

Exmoor Zoo came to talk to us about animals that live in the Rainforest. We were very excited to be to touch some of them.

We had great fun making a vehicle that we would use to explore the Arctic.

We had a parcel delivered to us this morning. We worked out that the animals live in the Arctic. We thought about how we could get them home.

We read the book ’10 black dots’ and then made pictures using dots. Can you guess what they are?




We read the story ‘A Christmas Gift’. We decided to go to the woods and decorate the trees for the woodland creatures.

This week we have been finding out the meaning of ‘Advent’. We each made a Christingle and found out what the different objects represent. Once we had made our Christingles we turned the lights out and sang ‘Away in a manger’.

We have been reading the story ‘Stick Man’. We decided to go to The Jungle to make Stick Man and his friend Leaf Man.

We finished celebrating Diwali by tasting some Indian food.

This week we have been celebrating Diwali. Ollie from West End in Schools worked with us this morning. He taught us a Diwali dance.

We visited the church in Appledore to find out more about Remembrance Day. We also paid our respects at the memorial and the anchor.

We finished our celebrations with our annual firework party. Thank you to BLaK Property for buying the fireworks and setting them off for us.

We went to the Woods to make pretend campfires and then toast marshmallows on a real fire.

We have loved celebrating Bonfire Night this week.

To finish off our learning about Harvest, we read the story Pumpkin Soup and made our own pumpkin soup and bread.

We watched a video about Harvest and saw some apples falling from the trees so we decided to make apple crumble.


We went to the woods to look for signs of Autumn. We found lots of acorns and leaves. We also found some apples and conkers.

Lorna from Queen Anne’s Dentist spoke to us about how we should look after our teeth.

We went to Anchor Park to continue exploring the world around us using our senses


We had a feely bag. We had to put our hand inside it and find an object. Then we had to describe it to our friends before we could guess what it was.

We went to the woods looking for things that were bumpy, smooth, hard and wrinkly but we ended up finding lots of conkers!

Asda Man came to talk to us about healthy eating. He brought in lots of different fruit for us to try.



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