Category: General
Another busy week that included the children meeting their new teachers for next year and more transition days and activities for Year 6 as they prepare for secondary school. An understandable blend of excitement and apprehension as all children prepare for their next stage. School reports will be available in your child’s Google Classroom for Years 1-6 and in book bags for Turtles and Dolphins during the week commencing 4th July. If there is anything in the report you would like to discuss with their class teacher there will be bookable appointments the following week. More information to follow next week.
Success on the rugby field for pupils from year 2 at a local tag rugby tournament with one of our teams winning first spot.
At Appledore Village Hall on 1st August, 2,30pm-3.30pm there is a summer science workshop for primary aged children. For more information, please click here.
Please don’t forget it’s sports day on 15th July. Again, weather permitting! Please see earlier articles for details.
We wish you all a happy weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
It was such a shame we were’t able to have sports day today and apologies for inconvenience caused. We have rearranged for Friday 15th July. Please click here for the details for the day. are running summer holiday activities 9am-4pm at St George’s School, Northam. Places are limited, so pleas contact them via the email asap if you are interested.
For details of free summer holiday activities and meals for pupils eligible for benefit-related free school meals please click here. Bideford college are also running activities over the summer. The sessions are free for children on free school meals, in care or seen as vulnerable (please click here) and also there are paid places for other children (please click here). Please note Bideford College only have 30 places available on this course, it first come first serve basis.
Wishing you all a great weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
Sports Day Arrangements 2022
We are looking forward to Sports Day on Friday 1th July. These are plans for the day and please be aware changes may be required before the day or during the day in response to unforeseen circumstances.
School will open at the normal time and parents can take their places on the field once their child has gone into their classroom.
9.30am -11.30am: races for children in Years 1-6 will take place and parents and carers of children in these year groups are very welcome to attend. Please sit behind the roped off area. After these races all children will then go back to class for a short period of time.
12pm-1pm Parents and carers are invited to stay to picnic with their children from reception and years 1-6 on the field. Children in years 1&2 can be collected from the bottom playground, children in Reception from the Foundation Stage Unit and children in years 3-6 will come out to meet their parents.
Please stay on the field and do not enter the wooded area.
Children in Reception and years 1&2 that do not have parents attending will eat a school dinner in the hall as per usual. Children in years 3-6 who do not have parents attending will eat their packed lunch on the playground.
12.45pm: the children are called back to class for the register to register
1.15pm the activities for all children from Reception to year 6 will start. Children will be placed into house teams and will take part in a number of different activities. You are welcome to move around with your child’s team and support them in their activities.
Please can children in years 1-6 come to school wearing their PE kit. If possible they can wear a t-shirt in the colour of their house instead of their usual white PE shirt. Children in Reception to wear a house colour t-shirt if possible (please see notice board outside FSU for which house/colour) and trainers. Children will also need sun hats, sun cream applied and a named water bottle.
When the afternoon activities have finished (no later than 2.30pm) all children will return to their classroom and parents and carers can collect them soon after to take home. Those in Rock Steady will congregate on the top playground where a member of staff will organise them. Parents of children performing in the Rock Steady concert can go to the hall.
We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible tomorrow.
Don’t forget it’s sports day next Friday (24th June). Please click here for information about the day and please be aware that changes to the arrangements sometimes have to be made, including last minute postponement due to weather, and we ask for your understanding with this. Hopefully all will go to plan and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
A few changes at the end of this term when we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Rushworth and Miss Goodman who both move on to new challenges in new schools. Those schools are lucky to have them and we wish them every success and thank them for everything they have done here at Appledore School. Mrs McMorine will continue to be Deputy Headteacher and Mrs Bannister has been promoted to Assistant Headteacher and both will retain responsibility for a class in addition to their leadership and management responsibilities. Next year, the class teachers will be as follows: Ms Olliffe in nursery; Mrs bannister in reception; Miss Gray in year 1; Mrs Stanbury and Mrs Stephens in year 2; Ms Wetz in year 3; Miss Ellis in year 4; Mrs McMorine in year 5 and Mrs Mitchell in year 6. The children going into years 1-6 in September will get the chance to meet their teacher on Thursday 30th June and additional transition arrangements will be made as required.
Torridge District Council is bidding for funding from the government’s Levelling Up Fund to regenerate Middle Dock in Appledore into a proposed Appledore Clean Maritime Innovation Centre. For information about this proposal please click here.
We wish you all a super weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
for families to try tennis for FREE and take advantage of some great offers on beginner tennis courses during the summer. For more info visit
On a further sporting note, please click here to find out information for a Summer Fair organised by Barnstaple Falcons Gymnastics Club on Saturday 2nd July, 11am-4pm.
We wish you all a super weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
NEWSFLASH! House Cross Country results are in…Atlantic (green) 163, Indian (yellow) 165, Arctic (blue) 168 and Pacific (red) 193. Congratulations to Pacific House!
Such a lovely end of the half term this week and today! Earlier in the week we had over 60 children rock pooling on the beach and a visit from Northam Mayor, to present the children with their jubilee medals, and today has included: a coronation in our Foundation Stage Unit; presenting the our Values Cup to a very Positive member of our year 1 class in front of his mum; cricket coaching on the school field and our house cross country competition in the afternoon – we can’t underestimate the impact of the return of many of the important aspects of school life we previously took for granted. And all with the sun out too!
On Wednesday 8th June 2022 the team from Atlantic Racquet Centre will be in school to share digital tennis assembly and fun tennis taster session for all children in Reception & Years 1 – 3. They’re here to promote their SUPER FREE TENNIS WEEKEND on Sat 11th and Sun 12th June. The centre is open all weekend for families to try tennis for FREE and take advantage of some great offers on beginner tennis courses during the summer. For more info visit
We wish you all a super half term break and look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 8th June.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
Before you read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes, please check your diary for the following dates:
- Friday 27th May – children wear red, white and blue for the jubilee
- Friday 24th June – sports day (weather permitting of course). Years 1-6 all day and Reception in the afternoon. More details to follow
Great Torrington School are delighted to offer Year 5 pupils the opportunity to spend a day experiencing life at GTS. Our Year 5 Day is Friday 8th July 2022. Pupils will engage in a range of activities, culminating with an afternoon of sports. Parents/carers are welcome to observe and meet with the staff. For any enquiries, or to reserve a place, call 01805 623531 or email
Over the summer free sports and multi-activities are being run at Bideford College for children. To find out more and if you are eligible, please click here.
We wish you all a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all of the children and staff
Once again so much going on: learning about oceans; mimibeasts writing; collage linked to a poem; physical theatre; singing the water cycle; experimenting with vocabulary choices in creative writing; Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica; cricket coaching and year 6 SATs. The attitude of our year 6 children towards their SATS was exemplary, in both the preparation for and the sitting of, and they did themselves proud. And the rest of the school showed their support by being so quiet during the tests it felt at times like the school was empty!
We have vacancies on our governing body. Please click here to find out more and how to arrange an informal conversation to find out if it is for you.
Please click here to view a letter regarding the Devon County Council SEND department Ofsted inspection. The inspection includes a survey for parents of children who have special educational needs. .The survey opens at 12 noon on Monday 16 May 2022 and will close at 12 noon on Friday 20 May 2022.
Please read on to find out more of what has been happening in and around the classes.
Have a super weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
Wishing you all a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
Welcome back everybody and we hope you had a super Easter.
Just before we broke up for Easter, Year 4 participated in the Bideford Chorister Outreach Programme and this involved performing in Exeter cathedral. To view the recording of their contribution and that of other schools please visit
North Devon Surf School are running a children’s after school surf club starting Tuesday 3rd May. For more information, please click here.
After school, on the bottom playground, there will be a cake sale in aid of NSPCC on Tuesday 3rd May. This has been organised by a very kind group of Year 5 girls who will also be baking the cakes! For more information, please click here.
We wish you all a lovely bank holiday weekend and look forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday 3rd May.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff. (more…)
A lovely last week of term. Please do read on to find out what has been going on in all the classes.
For next term we have made a few operational changes to continue our efforts to return to pre Covid normality. To ensure you are aware of these changes please read this letter.
As a holiday approaches our mind swings around to the need for extra vigilance regarding children being safe online with all their extra freetime .Please click here for an update on current e-safety matters.
Please click here for details of the May Fair Parade fancy dress competition on 30th April and here for an entry form.
Atlantic Racquet Centre are holding a free family day on Saturday 23rd April for all the family to come and try out tennis, badminton, table tennis and the gym. They have different classes happening through the day with expert coaches on hand to help you. For more info please use the link below and feel free to just turn up on the day, no booking required.
Well done to this half term winners of the Literacy Cup and the Values Cup and to Arctic House for winning the House Cup.
We wish you all a super Easter break and look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 25th April.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
The UK Government has published new guidance detailing ‘next steps for living with Covid‘ that is applicable from today. The guidance states Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend. There is no mention of an obligation to test your child for Covid when they first become unwell or before you consider them well enough to return to school. If you did test your child when they first became unwell and they tested positive this guidance says they are able to return after three days provided they are well enough. The guidance does not require you to test your child before they return after three days. If you decide to test your child on day three and they remain positive, please return your child to school when they no longer test positive.
We are hoping to open holiday club on Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th April in the first week and Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th April in the second week of the holiday. If you want your child to attend, please email before Monday morning. Being able to open on any of these days depends on enough children attending and we will contact you on Monday once we know if sufficient bookings have been made. For pricing and opening hours please click here.
Please read on to find out what has been happening around the classes and for football match reports…
We wish you all a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
A super week at school with so much happening in and around the classes. Please read on to find out…
This Sunday, Mothering Sunday, there will be a special family friendly service at St Mary’s Church, Appledore, at 10.30am. There will be posies of flowers for all ladies, and the children will help to hand out the posies and lead some of the singing. Children and babies of all ages are extremely welcome.
We wish you all a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
And there was us thinking £898 was a very generous figure to reach this time last week on our wear yellow and blue for Ukraine day. It now stands at an even more impressive £1153!
We have seen Covid numbers rise again in school. This time symptoms have predominantly included a sore throat, lethargy and a headache. If you have confirmed cases of Covid in your household, or your child is feeling unwell, please do all you can to test them before they come to school so we can do all we can to limit the spread in school. I noticed today that not wearing a mask on school premises is becoming commonplace amongst parents and carers entering the school premises as part of the school run. Whilst wearing a mask is not necessarily a requirement elsewhere, we ask that you respect our continued wish that you wear a mask on school premises, inside and out, to protect our staff and children. Thank you.
Multi-Sports activity days are being run at Bideford College over the Easter holidays. The times are 10-2pm on 19th-22nd April and for children aged 5-13 years old. For more information please click here.
Please read on to find out what has been going on around the classes, not least year 3 performing in Exeter Cathedral following their collaboration with the choristers!
We wish you all a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)
Today the children were decked out in yellow and blue in support of those in Ukraine undergoing hardship and those who have fled Ukraine and undergoing hardship. We have established a JustGiving account named Appledore School non-uniform day for voluntary contributions to ShelterBox and in less than 24hrs we achieved the initial target. At time of writing this today we were at a staggeringly generous £898! If your child is worried about the events unfolding in Ukraine, the NSPCC has useful advice on how to discuss this with your children.
If you believe your child is at higher risk from coronavirus the department for health has published information that is available here
We wish you all a happy weekend
Best wishes from
Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)