Category: General

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Oct 5, 2018

Please read on to find out was has been happening this week…

Oct 2, 2018

Thursday – 11.20pm!

A busy afternoon doing the river scramble and low adventure course. Evening meal was a turkey roast followed by ice cream. We had fun on a night walked and returned to hot chocolate and cake. Friday morning we are all doing bushcraft.  We have had a fantastic week but looking forward to getting home and seeing our families. Thank you to both Mrs Evans, Mrs Phillips and Rhys for helping make the week so successful.

Thursday – 12.20pm

An excellent morning.  All very wet and muddy (Mrs McMorine managed to get the) and more of the same this afternoon!

Thursday – 7.30am

A great night of sleep after evacuating a room due to an invasion of hundreds of ladybirds. Today’s activities include ‘Low Adventure’, ‘Stream Scramble’ and kayaking. 

Wednesday – 5pm

All have had a great day – some kayaking and some doing the ‘River Scramble’ and all on the high ropes during the afternoon. Currently playing outside in the sunshine with a fish and chip supper to follow.

Tuesday – 8.30pm

Children watched a filmm together before setlling down for the evening.

Tuesday – 4pm

All back safely from being on Dartmoor all day rock scrambling hungry for tea and happy it’s chicken pie and treacle pudding!

Tuesday – 8am

A good night with all sleeping well and eating a good brakfast before today’s activity – ‘Wilderness Venture’!  Weather much better there than here.


All children arrived safe and well, are now fed and watered, happy and off to their afternoon activities. Weather good too!  Keep visiting this website for updates.

Oct 1, 2018

Further to us sending a paper copy home with your child and an email recently, please ensure that you have returned a completed consent form for each of your children. It is very important we receive these from you and a copy is available to download here or from the Parents/Letters and Forms section of this website.

Thank you.

Sep 28, 2018

Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around school this week, including a trip to Exmoor Zoo for Key Stage 1..!

Sep 21, 2018

At 3:30pm on oct 3rd Appledore Band will bring various instruments, many loud and shiny , for children to try.  They run various training bands and would love to recruit children from beginners to current players, so please pop in to the hall with your child to find out more.

All are very welcome.

Sep 21, 2018

Please read on to find out about internet safety training for our older children, cross country, parking concerns and much, much more in and around the classes…

Sep 17, 2018

A busy first full week, so please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the school..

Sep 17, 2018


Please remember that our main entrance is from a private road (Kingsley Avenue) and that cars are not permitted to stop on it. Please park safely on the road or request a free pass for the car park on Odun Road (2 minutes walk way). Access by car is only if you are dropping children at after school club or collecting from so please use our staff car park.

Crossing Patrol

Please be aware there is currenlty no crossing patrol due to a retirement. The council is reviewing the situation and we will inform you of any decisions made when we hear.

Thank you.

Sep 10, 2018

These great races are open for all children, keen or just fun runners, for in Years 2-6. Six races in beautiful North Devon locations held on Sunday mornings – there are adult races too!  Please click here for more details and how to enter. And don’t worry if you can’t make all six races.


Sep 7, 2018

A very warm welcome to our new families and welcome back everybody who already knows us. Term has started very well and the children are settling very quickly into their routines, although I imagine some could be a little tired after their first full week. Please read on to find out what has been happening in and round the classes during another busy week ‘down on the farm’…

Jul 20, 2018

We say a very fond farewell to our Year 6 and Mrs Harvey and thank them for everything they have done for Appledore School. Please read on to find out about what else has been going on around and about the school this week…

Jul 13, 2018

We had year 5 singing opera to their parents today amongst a number of other amazing things this week, so please read on to find out more…

Jul 6, 2018

A hugely busy week around school this week that has included trips out for various numerous classes, play rehearsals and sports day amongst other things, so please read on to find out…

Jul 2, 2018

The weather looks good for today so we are going ahead with Sports Day today (Weds 4th July)

The races for children in Years 1-6 will take place in the morning from 9:30 – 11:30. Children will then go back to class. They can be collected from their classrooms by parents at 12 for a picnic lunch on the field or in the Jungle.

The afternoon’s activities for Reception (Dolphins) to year 6 will start at 1:30. Children will be placed into house teams and will take part in a number of different activities. You are welcome to move around with your child’s team and support them in their activities. At the end of the activities the children will be grouped in their classes for us to announce the winning house. After the announcement Dolphins will return to class with their teachers and you can collect them from there. All other children can be collected from the field once you have told their teacher you are taking them. 

Please can children come to school wearing their PE kit. If possible they can wear a t-shirt in the colour of their house instead of their usual white PE shirt. They will also need sun hats, applied sun cream and a water bottle.

If you have a gazebo we could borrow, please bring it to school and named.

We hope that the day will run smoothly and to plan, but please be aware that we may need to make changes to the programme if circumstances dictate.

Thank you for your understanding over the last couple of days.

Jun 29, 2018

Please read on to find out about sports aday and summer fair arrangements and much, much more that has happened around the classes this week…

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