Category: General
Please read the main text of this news item for the full details.
Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the school…
Our Year 2 children completed some wonderful art work and please read on to fin out more about it…
The opening of the ACCT schools exhibition of art work at RHS Rosemoor opened on 28th June and was a great success. Many parents have already bought their child’s art work at either £20 for A4 size, or £25 for A3 size.
The unsold art work is now open to the general public to buy so if you would like to purchase your child’s work you can still pop down to Rosemoor, tell the desk you are only there to see the exhibition, and then pay your own school directly later. We ask that you pay by cash or cheque, made payable to ACCT, at your school office. We will then email staff at RHS Rosemoor and they will indicate a sold sticker on the artwork for the rest of the exhibition. It closes on Sunday 14th July. You do not have to pay to visit the Exhibition and cafe, but you will if you would like to visit the gardens- unless you are RHS members.
School Fayre is Friday 5th July.
At 3.15pm the school choir will perform on the playground and at 3.30pm the fayre fully opens. At 4.45pm thee will be a Streetz Street Dancers display and the fayre will end at 5.30pm.
We look forward to seeing you there for games, BBQ, raffle, Hockings and much more.
Children are invited to wear their own clothes on the day and we will confirm soon if this is for a £1 donation or a tombola prize.
A week of trips here, there and everywhere and an exciting end on Friday with children spending time in the classroom they will be in next year and with the teacher they will have next year. Please read on to find out what has been happening in the classes and other events coming up in school and around the village…
What we call ‘Shuffle Up’ day is happening on Friday 28th June. This is when the children spend time with their teacher for next academic year in their classroom for next year.
Next year the teachers and classes will be as follows:
Dolphins – Mrs Bannister
Year 1 – Mrs Stephens
Year 2 – Mrs Stanbury & Mrs Smale
Year 3 – Mrs Rushworth
Year 4 – Ms Goodman
Year 5 – Mrs McMorine
Year 6 – Mrs Mitchell
A very busy week that has seen many children attend sport festivals and our Year 6 attending the education activities at OceanFest today. Please read on to find out about other things that have been going on in and around the classes and for outehr information such as various parenting courses being offered.
Recently we were awarded ‘DEVON WINNERS’ for the HSBC Environmental youth award at the Bath and West Showground. The award is in recognition of promoting awareness and understanding of conservation and environmental matters and recognises how a group of young people have made a significant contribution to conservation and environmental management.
To receive the award a contingent of children from school attended the show with Jayne & Lucy from MUDTASTIC and received a cheque for £200, a hedgehog award and a framed certificate for the school. Congratulations to everyone involved, parents, children, teachers for this amazing achievement.
Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around school this week and what is coming up.
A buy week here and we hope the weather allows us to have Sports Day on Wednesday 12th June. Please read on to find out what has been going on in school this…
Once again there has been a lot going on, including a rugby tournament, football tournament, beach clean and art gallery visit amongst other things so please read the main article to find out…
Important things to remember
The first Monday back after half term (3rd June) is a non pupil day so you children don’t start back at school until Tuesday 4th June.
Sports Day (weather permitting) is the second day back for children on Wednesday 5th June. Please see Sports Day specific article.
Another busy week this week with much talk of dinosaurs, castles and ancient Eygptians! Well done Year 6 for being so positive this week – you all know what I’m referring too. Please read on to find out what has been happening in school this week and of local events such as the Carnival Disco tonight (Friday 17th May) and Appledore Green Fayre…
This week we’ve had dinosaurs, ice bears, secret gardens, ancient Egyptians, rain sticks and Years 1 and 2 and debating the ‘Is it better to be beautiful on the outside or beautiful on the inside?’. Please read on to find out about all of this and much, much more…
It’s been a hugley busy week in school this week, not least with trips to the synagogue, Exeter tunnels and Dunster Castle so please do read on to find out about this and much, much more…
Forest School Club have been very, very active and as a result our jungle is a bust place. Please read on for more information and there are still places if you are interested in your child attending (contact details included at the end of news roundup).