Category: General

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Nov 29, 2019

The end of another busy week that ended with me being presented with a truly inspirational poem written by one of our Year 5 children, aged 9 years, on our whole school value for this term of Inclusion. It was thought provoking in a time when division appears to be on the rise in our society.

I would really love all of us to include every child and make sure they are never excluded
Never treat them differently and make sure everybody obeys by that rule.
Carefully offer to help and notice sad actions
Learn to be kind and polite and put in great effort to help
Use our personalities to make them feel brighter
Sit down next to them and let them speak out
Each year people struggle and being inclusive can help a lot
I’m sure our school is capable of this.

Please read on to find out what else has been happening in and around the school…

Nov 22, 2019

A busy week with more cross county success, Christmas starting (!), library trips, cycling proficiency, Paddington Bear, a visit from the local fire brigade and much, much more. Please read on to find out…

Nov 19, 2019

Christmas Dinner
Christmas dinner for children in Dolphins – Yr 6 is Wednesday 11th December. Their is no cost for Dophins, Year 1 and Year 2 and the cost for Year 3,4,5 & 6 is £3.50. For years 3-6 please book and pay on School Money by 30th Nov. A vegetarian option is available. Dolphins-Yr 2 please let your class teacher know by 30th Nov.

Nov 18, 2019

Another busy week with so much going on around the school. Please read on to find out more…

Nov 11, 2019

A busy week, not least as a result of Year 5 being on their residential and they were ace!  Please read on to find out about that and what else has been happening in and around the classes…

Nov 1, 2019

Please read on to find out what has been going on in and around the classes…

Oct 28, 2019

This Friday is the Halloween Disco. Please click here for the details, how to buy a ticket (must be bought in advance) and for the signature slip.


Oct 18, 2019

All classes have learnt about and aspects of our environment this half term and this week has involved the children sharing what they have learnt, including events such as an Eco themed harvest festival at St Mary’s Church from years 3-6 and children in years 1 an 2 sharing everything they have learnt about bees. Do you know how to make a Bee Bomb or what a Waggle Dance is? If not, ask anyone in years 1 and 2!

I’ve taken children to two events the past couple of days and must say how inspirational they have been. Firstly, attending an environment Expo and being stunned by both the knowledge and passion of young children in this area for caring for their environment. Secondly, taking children to a VERY wet and cold cross country event today and not one moan. 

All in all a great way to end a half term!

Oct 14, 2019

A new BBC app to help young smartphone users navigate the online world safely and appropriately has launched in the UK. It is called “own It” and certainly worth investigating. Please read this artilce for more information.

The clever bit is that it features a special keyboard, which works across any app on the phone, and uses machine learning to recognise language that might suggest a child is in trouble. If the user’s behaviour starts to stray outside the norm, the app will respond by offering the user help and advice, and encouraging them to talk to a trusted adult.For example, if a child types something which might be upsetting to the person receiving it, the app encourages them to consider how it could be perceived by others.


Oct 11, 2019

A week that has included so much learning about our environment topic this half term for all of our classes that includes plastic in our oceans, the importance of bees and everything you need to know about recycling. Please read on to find out more of what has been happening around here this week…

Oct 4, 2019

For me the highlights of this week have been two days on Dartmoor with Year 6 and joining a class for their P4C (Philosophy for Children) lesson, debating the question they raised after hearing a short story Is it ever OK to kill an animal?

Please read on to find out more of what has been happening in and around the classes and parents’ evenings that start next week… 

Sep 27, 2019

This week has included for the children gig rowing, a beach clean (an astonishing 79kg of waste collected!), a trip to Quince Honey Farm to learn all about bees and classes participating in World Fitness Day. Add to this our weekly visit to Donnigton House care home and our weekly visit from Northam care Trust to work with our children in the art studio and a class from St Margaret’s School using our art space and art expertise. So not much then!

Sep 19, 2019

Another busy week draws to a close. Please read on to find out what hs been happening this week…

Sep 13, 2019

And the sun greets us with its return as the end of a busy and successful week. The children have settled well to their new classess, teachers and routines and the school is buzzing with their energy.

Sep 6, 2019

Welcome back everybody after an extraordinary summer for so many reasons! This week has been great. The children have returned full of energy, enthusiasm and ideas and the staff have really enjoyed their time getting to know new faces and catching up with the ‘old’ ones.

Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes…

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