Category: General

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Nov 6, 2020

 Another busy week that has brought in tighter restrictions for us all as we try and maintain as much normality as possible. Again, the children have been amazing and risen and adapted to the challenges and uncertainty and the challenges that uncertainty can bring.  

Please continue to support us as you have so well so far with the requests we place upon you, eg wearing face masks, staggered timings etc, and please do keep your your children close to you when you dropping off and picking up, because there have been occasions where children have strayed form their parents sides and interacted with children in other bubbles – something we are doing all we can to avoid at school.

Congratulations to Mrs Stephens for the birth of her baby girl. Mum and baby are doing very well.
Please read on by clicking on the headline to find out what has been happening in and around the classes.
Have a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
Oct 23, 2020

Don’t forget it’s half term term next week and we’re all back on the Monday 2nd November!

In the first week back after half term official school photos will taken on Thursday 5th November. Photos will be of individuals and siblings that attend school. Unfortunately we are unable this year to also offer photos taken with other siblings who do not attend the school. 

If you haven’t already completed our survey requesting important information please do so as a matter of urgency.  We need this information should we be required to close at any point to ensure continuit of learning for your children. The survey can be accessed by clicking here. So far we have had a response from 138 families which good, but we do need all familes to repsond.

Please read on to find out what has been happening in and round the classes.

Have a lovely half term from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Oct 16, 2020

School continues to strive for normality and to adapt so that the opportuities remain for children despite various restrictions placed upon us, so it was a genuinely moving to hear the sound of  classes singing again drifting across the school and through my window. Singing has to be conducted outside now and a big thank you to Year 4 for singing right outside my window. It felt like (very) early carol singers, just without the carols!

Hopefully the main contact we have for your family will this week have received a link to a survey requesting information principally about your employment status and internet access. If you don’t think you have, please email for the link. This information is vital to us should school have to go into full or even partial closure and we want to be prepaped so transition to such a position is as smooth as possible for you as families and the chidlren as learners. We are aiming to be able to share our plan for remote learning by the end of next week. 

Thank you to all of you to all of you who have expressed an interest in the school fleeces and we will be in touch once we are in a position to progress with these. Please remember these are as an additional layer to a school jumper and not as a replacement. 

Orange arrows have been painted on the paths through our woods for those accessing the school from Pitt Lane and the alleyway off Richmond Road. Please use them to retain a measure of social distance from one another. Please ensure your children remain with you on the arrow and also if they are alone. 

Read on to find out more of what has been going on around the school and wishing you all a lovely weekend (not forgetting this is the last before half term) from

Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children

Oct 5, 2020

PLease read on to find out what has been going on in and around the classes.

Have a lovely weekend from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Oct 5, 2020

A wet and windy end to the week for the weekend (great!), but before it starts please read on to find out what has been going on in and around the school, including vocuhers for free sport and activity sessions in the area.

Have a lovely (albeit wet) weekend

With best wishes from Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Sep 25, 2020

Another bust week, so please read the main body of text by clicking on the headline to find out what has been happening in and around the school this week…

Best wishes from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Sep 16, 2020

It’s been a very busy week and the children and staff have been great with emedding all the new ways we have to operate.

Thank you so much for helping us by wearing face coverings on the school premises. Please do continue with this. If you are medically exempt from wearing one please let us know and we will make arrangements for taking your child to an exit point so you don’t need to come on the premises. 

Secondary schools are beginning to advertise open days activities aimed at current year 6 and sometime year 5 children. When schools contact us direct with information about this we will publsih it in the weekly newsletter. To find out how Bideford College are planning to run events for children in Years 5&6  please click here. and for West Buckland School please click here

We are trying to minimise the number of items that come in to school and go home from school at present, so with this in mind please can you not send birthday sweets in for the class. Sorry to be miserable!.

Please read on to find out what has been happening in the classes.

Have a lovely weekend from

Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Sep 11, 2020

Welcome back everybody and a warm welcome also to those of you new to Appledore School. Having the children fill the school again has been brilliant and their response to the required changes is a credit to them and a credit to how you have prepared them for their return. Thank you.

Please do set a reminder to read our end of week newsletter, because you will find out what has been happening in your child’s class over the week and much more. So with that in mind, please read on…

Have a lovely weekend everybody and we look forward to seeing you all next week.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children


Mar 13, 2020

A fabulous week that involved learning in the jungle for a number of our classes (please read on to find out more) and ended with the whole school walking around the village for Sports Relief. Thank you for supporting this event and we raised £186.30 for this good cause.

Mar 10, 2020

Please be aware that the school is now required to notify the Local Authority if a pupil has ten unauthorised absences (equivalent to five days and not necessarily consecutive) within a two year period upon issuance of the letter at the end of the absence request form. 

Please bear this in mind if you are booking a holiday. 


Mar 6, 2020

Another busy week, so please read on to find out what  has been going on in and around the classes…

Feb 28, 2020

Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the classes this week…

Feb 25, 2020

5th March World Book Day – come in pyjamas for your bedtime story.

13th March Sports Relief – wear sportswear for a donation.

11th June Sports Day & 16th June reserve day if needed. More details to follow.

Feb 14, 2020

The whole school topic on health draws to a close today and there has been some truly fascinating learning as a result, so pleas read on to find out what your children have been up to.

Don’t forget next week is half term and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday 24th February.

Feb 11, 2020

School Funding
Funding enough money to provide all the resources and opportunities we want the children to have is increasingly challenging, but there is money out there we can claim that we haven’t and we need your help please. All children were sent home with a letter requesting you provide us with some details and we will be then be able to systematically and regularly check to see if the school is entitled to additional money based on your circumstances. Please do complete the letter and send it back to us, even if you don’t tick any boxes just yet, because once you are registered it will check in the future should your circumstances change. Please click here for the letter or ask the office for a copy. GDPR (data protection laws) laws are complied with.

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