Important to Us
Contributing to pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is how the school prepares pupils positively for life in modern Britain. We promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. On a strategic level, Appledore School is proud to be part of the ACCT (Atlantic Coast Cooperative Trust), a group of nine local schools that shares cooperative values and works collaboratively for the benefit of all its children.
Examples of how we promote British values and support the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development at Appledore School include:
Our school values based PSHE curriculum, including P4C (Philosophy for Children)]
- Each half term our PSHE learning focuses on one of our values. At the end of that half term, we celebrate our learning together in an assembly. Teachers and pupils nominate children they feel have demonstrated our focus value and one pupil is awarded our Values Cup.
- All children, in all classes from our Foundation Stage Unit through to Year 6, are responsible for setting and adhering to their ‘Class Rules’.
- Children at our school visit their friends in two local care homes to share their news, play games, read together and for crafting
- We have a wonderful partnership with Northam Care Trust that involves, every week, our children welcoming our friends learning and physical disabilities to our art studio to work with our children on collaborative art projects. every week also each week we also visit them to cook cakes and biscuits to bring back to school to sell
- Visiting magistrates help pupils to further their understanding of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and explain the purpose of laws and their and our role in upholding them
- Providing children with learning opportunities to explore the world of money within the context of personal and ethical values
- Maintaining the aspiration that all classes will have at least one first-hand experience of another faith or belief each year by receiving a visitor or visiting a place of worship. Recent examples include visiting a Sikh temple in Bristol and a Jewish Synagogue in Exeter and learning from a visiting Humanist and a visiting Muslim
- Regular assemblies from local church groups
- Regular assemblies lead by the children on relevant themes
- Celebrating children’s achievements in celebration assemblies, displaying their learning and involving all children in House competitions and activities all contribute to developing their self-esteem and confidence
- Being part of a House gives a sense of belonging and togetherness and enables the school to provide the children with opportunities for the children participate in healthy competition and to be respectful and graceful in both victory and defeat
Children strive to be a ‘Super Learner’ where attributes such as perseverance, resilience, reflectiveness and resourcefulness are nurtured and identified and praised.