Author: AS1

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Feb 22, 2018

Please click here to see times and activities for the Easter Holiday AOOSC programme.

Feb 9, 2018

Ever thought of being a school governor? being a School governor is varied, interesting and important because as a school governor you strategically support school leadership through the promotion of high educational standards and ensuring resources are deployed effectively. 

If you are curious, please click here for more information. Thank you. 

Feb 9, 2018

Please read on to find out about art, drama, football, a trip to an Exeter mosque and much more…

Feb 2, 2018

Please read on to find out what has been going on around the classes, safeguarding matetrs related to online streaming and ROBLOX and much, much more…

Jan 19, 2018

Please read on to find out about our art being in a local gallery exhibition and what has been happening in and around the classes…

Jan 12, 2018

Please readon to find out about Year 1 phonics evening, Thrift Club and what has been happening around the classes…

Jan 8, 2018

Operation Encompass is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening.

The information is given in strict confidence to a school’s Key Adult to enable support to be given dependent on the needs and wishes of the child.

For more information, please click here

Jan 5, 2018

Happy New Year, welcome back and please read on to find out what has been going on around the school this week…

Jan 3, 2018

Find out about all the brilliant things that are happening at the Harbour Studio by following us on Instagram or Facebook.


Dec 15, 2017

Happy Christmas from all teh childrne and staff at Appledore School!  Please read on to find out what has been happening around the classes and what will be happening around the village…

Dec 14, 2017

Fun and fitness for children in years 2-6 on a Monday after school. Please click here to find out more.

Dec 8, 2017

A huge thanks to everyone involved with the Christmas Fayre!  please read on to find out what has been happening in and around the school this week…

Dec 1, 2017

Please read on to find out about Christmas jumpers, decorations and the fayre (7th December 3.30 to 5.30pm – don’t forget) and for news of what has been happening around the classes…

Nov 27, 2017

Christmas lunch for children in Reception to Year 6 will be Thursday 14th December and is £3 for KS2 children.  Please pay online by School Money by Monday 4th December and for the full menu please click here.

Nov 24, 2017

Please read on to find out about the the Christmas Fayre (including the hampers for the draw) and what has been happening in and around the classes, including a wonderful singing performance by Year 6… 

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