
Newsletter for the week ending Friday 31st January
31 January 2025

Thank you those of you who shop at Asda and nominated us as your school for ‘Cashpot for Schools’. We have just heard that the school will receive £446!

Kingsley School are holding their Senior School Open Day on 27th February from 10am – 11.30am or 2pm – 3.30pm and place can be booked here. If you have any questions for their Admissions Team, including the range of scholarships available, they can be reached on 01237 426200 or by email at

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have started celebrating Chinese New Year. We have read the story and acted it out. On Thursday we had ‘West End in Schools’ work with us to create a dance based on the story. We have made lanterns and dragons. Today we went to Appledore library to change our books.

Year 1 started our new book ‘No-bot the robot’ in Year 1 this week and we have thoroughly enjoyed reading it. We have written sentences about how we could add another character to the story. In history this week we learnt about another nurse ‘Edith Cavell’ and how she looked after soldiers in World War 1. We roleplayed how she looked after soldiers by feeding them healthy food, treating wounds and saving their lives. As a class we discussed if we felt she was a significant person and why. This week in maths we have started looking at our number bonds below 10 and how they can help us with our number bonds to 20. We really enjoyed taking part in the Chinese New Year dance workshop and creating a group performance. Some pictures are on google classroom.

Year 2 have had another great week! They enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year and creating a dance to go alongside the story when a visitor from ‘West End in Schools’ came into school. In their Maths work, they have started to look at multiplication – making equal and unequal groups and looking at the multiplication symbol. In English, they have been writing a class biography about Julia Donaldson after finding out lots of facts about her life. In their History work, they looked at different pieces of evidence from the past that tell us about Grace Darling’s rescue. Last week for Science, they wrote lots of questions they could ask someone about taking care of a baby and taking care of a pet. They were able to ask their questions this week as they had a visit from Mrs Stephens and her baby. Mrs Stephens told them all about caring for a baby and caring for a dog. They are looking forward to an outdoor learning session today (Friday) where they will be looking at hygiene and handwashing to link with their Science work. A busy week!

Year 3 recorded their group performances of their graphic scores and very spooky they were too. Having used live instruments, they will now be creating their spooky house soundtrack digitally and hopefully using the sound files we recorded this week. Year 4 have now shaped their cyclic pattern work into a rounded performance using live instruments and body percussion. We will record these performance next week be for using a digital audio workshop to recreate their patterns. Year 5 considered how the architecture of a cathedral recreated heaven on earth they then designed their own cathedral ensuring it reflected the glory and majesty of God. Year 6 are beginning to pull together all their work on the scientific explanation of creation and what the Bible tells us about it by looking at scientist who have been able to reconcile their scientific discipline with their religious faith.

Seahunter class (year 3) have had a fantastic week! In Maths, using our knowledge of equivalent measurements, we compared measurements in metres, centimetres and millimetres. In English, we finished writing our biographies and then began reading a poetry book, If All the World Were. We wrote commands to give advice to the girl in the book. In Science, we learnt all about the purpose of human and animal skeletons, and we made our own bionic hands to show how muscles work with the bones to help us move. In History, we looked at a variety of primary sources related to Marie Curie and thought about what these show us about her achievements. In Computing, we explored the differences between text and images and then we had a go at changing the text on a document (font, size and colour). We then explored ways in which we can change text to communicate a message more clearly.

In Year 4 this week, the children looked at convenience food in History including when it was introduced and why. They designed their own poster advertising a meal that they could just put straight in the oven! They also created a timeline showing how much diet had changed in the last 106 years and why, such as the introduction of modern technology. In Science, we looked at the digestive system and the children labelled the parts of the body involved in digestion. In Maths, we looked at division with and without remainders and the children applied their multiplication and division understanding to some word problems. In English, the children have been writing their own fantasy story in the style of Jack and the Dreamsack which they have worked really hard on – I’m looking forward to reading them! In PE, the children worked on balancing a ball around their body and they also worked on their core strength in gymnastics.

An exciting week for Year 5. We have been busy in the art studio, using our wave stencils, to do screen printing. We have published our plague story and these will go into the main corridor to be displayed. In maths we have moved onto our new unit of work (multiplication and division). This week we have been multiplying a 4-digit number by a single digit. We research the first and last Shang kings; although five hundred years separate them, they were very different rulers. All are very excited about the trip to Bristol and we look forward to telling you more about that next week.

Year 6 have been learning about substitution and describing and using linear number sequences, using algebra in maths. In Literacy, they have completed their balanced arguments with some very valid points and supporting evidence. I’ve been impressed by the improvements made when re-writing sections and the level of vocabulary included. In history, they were finding out about Edward Jenner and how he made a significant discovery in the world of medicine and how this impacted life expectancy. In science, they have been recapping work from outdoor learning last week about Darwin’s finches: evolution based on natural selection. They explored how different beak shapes could affect survival by testing a simple experiment. In art, they have been completing work on lino printing, inspired by the work of William Morris. It took a lot of patience and required creating the printing block which had to be kept fairly simple as it takes a long time to scrape it out. Please don’t forget to explore resources for revision under the Booster section on google classroom: children do need to work on retaining information and skills to apply in their work – this will help them at secondary school too! Also, please encourage children to complete maths homework on – it goes over work in class and has helpful resources to try and secure the concepts that have been taught.

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