
Sports Day arrangements – Tuesday 21st May
10 May 2024

Sports Day Arrangements 2024

We are looking forward to Sports Day on Tuesday 21st May. These are the plans for the day and please be aware changes may be required before the day or during the day in response to unforeseen circumstances.

School will open at the normal time and parents can take their places on the field once their child has gone into their classroom.

Please be aware, and inform other family members attending, the school gate will close at 9.30am, be open 11.45am-12,15pm and reopen again when Sports Day finishes. Anyone arriving when the gate is closed are likely to have a very long wait at our front door, and perhaps not be able to get in, because staff will be supervising the children at Sports Day.

9.30am -11.30am: races for children in Years 1-6 will take place and parents and carers of children in these year groups are very welcome to attend. Please sit behind the roped off area. After these races all children will then go back to class for a short period of time.

12pm-12.45pm: Parents and carers are invited to stay to picnic with their children from reception and years 1-6 on the field. Children in years 1&2 can be collected from their classrooms, children in Reception from the Foundation Stage Unit and children in years 3-6 will come out to meet their parents.

Please stay on the field and do not enter the wooded area.

Children in Reception and years 1&2 that do not have parents attending will eat a school dinner in the hall as per usual. Children in years 3-6 who do not have parents attending will eat their packed lunch on the playground.

12.45pm: the children are called back to class for the register

1.15pm the activities for all children from Reception to year 6 will start. Children will be placed into house teams and will take part in a number of different activities. You are welcome to move around with your child’s team and support them in their activities.

Please can children in years 1-6 come to school wearing their PE kit. If possible they can wear a t-shirt in the colour of their house instead of their usual white PE shirt. Children in Reception to wear a house colour t-shirt if possible (please see notice board outside FSU for which house/colour) and trainers.

Please ensure your child has a sun hat, named water bottle and applied sunscreen that lasts for the day.

When the afternoon activities have finished (no later than 2.30pm) all children will return to their classroom. Parents and carers can collect their children soon after as per usual arrangements. Older children who normally walk home will not be released from school until the usual end of day time of 3.30pm

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