
Newsletter for the week ending Friday 22nd July
22 July 2022

And so we reach the end of our first full year back since the challenges of Covid. Despite having more Covid in the school this year than the previous two years combined, everyone in the school community pulled together to ensure normality returned for the children and they have responded with such resilience. Thank you for your patience support.

With guidance from their you and their teachers and their support of each other the children have taken great strides in their personal and academic progress. Despite the disruption of the previous two years the cohorts have outperformed national averages in every government set test and in most cases even outperformed pre Covid national averages. Well done everybody – a very, very impressive showing!

The last day of term is always one of mixed emotions. There is sadness as we say goodbye to our Year 6 (some have been here 8 years or so!) and staff leaving, but also excitement for the challenges that await them. All our leavers have contributed immensely to the school. Our year six children leave for a variety of secondary schools, some children in other years are transferring to new schools and Mrs Rushworth and Miss Goodman are joining new schools for new challenges. Emily in FSU leaves to begin her maternity leave and Miss Gray will return in September as Mrs Wilkins – just imagine the confusion that caused our current Dolphins when they met her in preparation for next year!  And of course Annemarie, who will reduce her hours further from September as she and we plan for final retirement date as yet undecided but we will let you know when it nears.  We wish all our leavers the very best of luck with thanks and look forward to welcoming all of our new starters in September.

Please click on ‘more’ to find out what has and is happening in and around the classes this week.

Have a lovely summer and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 6th September.

From Jeremy Cooper and all of the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have finished off our topic on Pirates. On Tuesday we created our own Treasure maps and named the island that the pirates would have to travel to. On Wednesday we had a Pirate Treasure Hunt around the school and the treasure was hidden in The Jungle. On Thursday we learned to speak like a pirate.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a great summer and we will see you in September. We would also like to wish Emily good luck as she starts her maternity leave.

In year 1 this week we have been looking at food and thinking about what is healthy and unhealthy. We then tasted different salads and in groups chose which was our favourite. We then got to make this salad, making sure we thought about food hygiene and how to make sure it was a healthy salad. In Maths we have been telling the time to o’clock and half past and thought about what times we normally do things throughout the day. In writing we have changed the story How to Hide a Lion at School and made our own versions with different animals and settings. It has been a lovely last week for the Sealions and we have thoroughly enjoyed our year with them! Have a lovely summer!

We have had a fantastic year in Lundy Puffins! The children have worked so hard, as you will see from the mountains of books they have brought home. We hope you enjoy looking through everything they have learnt this year. We really enjoyed taking them to Anchor Park and for ice-cream on the Quay as a reward for all their hard work and for being such wonderful friends to each other. Thank you for all your support this year and for your kind words and gifts. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching your children and they have been a real pleasure throughout the year. Have a wonderful Summer break. From Mrs Stanbury, Mrs Stephens and Mrs Halloway

All year groups concluded their studies of French by watching Le Gruffalo and spotted familiar vocabulary in this well known story. Year 3 had the opportunity to compose an original melody on the chime bars to match their “On Sudden Hill” drama. Year 4 finished their work on French animals. Year 5 performed “Lean On Me” and their “A Simple Man” dance for the parents in a sharing assembly. Year 6 worked individually to compose a simple melody on the recorder using the notes in the treble clef.

Seahunter have been finalising their learning this week where they have learnt how to measure and compare mass and capacity and solve addition and subtraction problems involving mass and capacity in Maths. In English, they wrote up and edited their final invent writing ‘Taking Flight’. The children have completed their Science learning where they researched animal’s diets to create a slideshow. In Computing, the class recapped their learning about databases. Well done Year 3 on an excellent year – have a wonderful summer break!

HMS Echo have had the most fabulous last week, the highlight being our trip to the Milky Way. They had so much fun and showed their true class family spirit and many adults commented on their teamwork and kindness. They have been a joy to teach and Mrs Hughes and I wish them lots of luck and best wishes as they move into Year 5.

It has certainly been a very busy end of term week for year 5!  They have now completed the majority of the work needed for their Arts Award.  If there are any gaps we will complete these in school during the first couple of weeks of the autumn term.  A really big thank you to all the parents and carers who came to our sharing morning this week. It was the final stage needed for the award, so thank you for your support.  It has been a really fun and productive year; attitude and hard work has really paid off and can be seen in the end of year attainment results.  The class have all come so far and they are in a fantastic place to begin their final year at primary school.  Year 5, have a well deserved summer break and I look forward to seeing how you take on the challenge of year 6!

Year 6 have been busy with their play this week, leavers assembly and science work. They did an amazing job with the play given the heat and there was a lot of talent on stage! They were also lucky enough to go sailing which was a fantastic experience. We wish all the Year 6 well as they move on to their new schools.

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