
Newsletter for the week ending 20th September
19 September 2019

Another busy week draws to a close. Please read on to find out what hs been happening this week…

For children wanting to start a brass instrument
Appledore Band are offering a free starter group at St Mary’s church hall at 6pm on Wednesdays. Please contact Neil Hamilton on if interested.
Macmillan Cake Sale
Rn by Y6, next Thursday for Macmillan. 50p a cake. Morning break. Any cakes left will be sold off after school on the bottom playground. Donations of cakes greatly received.
As always, please ensure we have the current email and mobile number of the primary contact because this is to whom messages will be sent.
This week in FSU we have read another favourite story – Elmer. We have spent this week looking at colour and shape; we have created our own Elmers cutting up squares and creating a college, we have turned our role play into an Elmer and a safari. On Tuesday we had great fun walking like an elephant on stilts through paint! We have created our own patterns and today we went on a colour hunt around the school. 
The children in Year 1 are working hard and coping really well with the change from Reception to Year One. In Writing we have written information sentences about the animals from Dear Zoo, written sentences with exclamation marks and we have started to plan our own version of the Dear Zoo story. In Maths we have been solving problems by counting forwards and backwards and we have been finding one more and one less than a number. Year Two taught us why bees are so important and we wrote a fact page recording the information. Philosophy this week will use the book Giraffes Can’t Dance and we will talk about the ‘Learning Pit’ and why it is ok to find things difficult. 
This week Lundy Puffins have continued with Place Value in Maths and have been investigating how many different ways they could partition 2-digit numbers. In English, they have continued with the Traction Man story and have looked at the vocabulary used by the author and created their own sentences from this. In their topic work, they have found out about different types of bees and in science completed an investigation in the jungle. They are very much looking forward to the visit to Quince Honey Farm next Wednesday.
Seahunter have had a great week, working hard to become increasingly independent in their learning and organisation. In Maths, they have been developing their place value skills and applying them to start solving some addition and subtraction problems. In English, the focus has been on vocabulary, specifically using ambitious adjectives. They worked well together using the 4Bs; brain, buddy, book and board to explore how many synonyms they could find for big, small and shiny. They now have amazing word banks to use in their writing. In philosophy, we explored some ‘would you rather…’ questions, such as ‘would you rather have enough money to never work or earn money by going to work?’ The had an amazing discussion, really listening to each other and expressing their thoughts clearly. They considered how they would make friends without work, whether earning money felt more satisfying and whether having enough money to work would mean that there would be time to help others more. What do you think?
Y4 have been practising counting in multiples of 25 and 1000 in Maths. We have also looked at partitioning numbers up to 4-digits using the part-whole model. In English, we have learnt how to write simple and compound sentences, and use apostrophes for possession. The children have then practised writing their own versions of ‘Meerkat Mail’. For Computing, the children have continued to learn how to use the software ‘Scratch’ to learn how to code. In P4C, we watched a clip called ‘Am I always responsible for my own actions?’ from which we had a good class discussion.
Year 5 have continued writing their stories based on The Tear Thief.  They have successfully used colons and bullet points in their writing and  the thesaurus to improve the vocabulary.  We continue to read the book ‘Hole’ and finding out what life is like for Stanley, away from home for doing wrong, and having to dig holes.  This then linked to our philosophy session, where we have been thinking about the responsibilities we now have being in Y5.  In science we have been investigating irreversible changes and what happens to the material.  We now know that a wax candle starts off as a solid, when heat is added, becomes a liquid.  When the heat is removed it  cools to a solid again or continues to melt and evaporates into a gas.  We drew polar bears in art ready to be made into Christmas cards and played cricket in PE.  We looked at why the Bible is an important book for Christians in our RE session and thinking more about the harm plastic in the ocean is damaging the environment.
Year 6 have extended their knowledge of curious creatures this week and have been classifying more animals in science. In Literacy they have been using the passive voice and extended noun sentences to write about the climate. Maths has involved more work on place value and lots of problem solving. There are many dates out for looking at secondary schools – check the secondary school websites for more information and if your child is not going to be in school as they are going on a visit, then please let us know. Remember the beach clean on Monday and hopefully gig rowing on Tuesday afternoon.
Have a wonderful weekend everybody.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children.

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