
Newsletter for the week ending Friday 12th July
12 July 2024

Winding down for summer holidays – no chance!  Please read Around the Classes to see what has been going on in (and outside) the classes that includes trips to Lundy, Appledore Library (including a visit to Hockings ice cream van) and an way football fixture and pond dipping, tennis and talent show and much more back at school.

If England win on Sunday it’s wear red and white for the day on Monday.

And well done to Indian House (yellow) for winning the House Cup for the summer term! So on Thursday, Indian House (yellow) and Pacific (red) can wear their house colours for the day. Pacific won it last term, but didn’t have their day!

For summer rugby camps for all abilities please click here,     For summer tennis camps in Bideford please click here and for cricket summer clubs in Westward Ho! please click here

For children in Years 1-6 their school report is in their Google Drive. If there is anything in the report you would like to discuss with their class teacher please contact the school office to make an appointment.

Wishing you all a good weekend – come on England!

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have been finding out about fishing in Appledore. We named parts of a trawler boat and compared this to the lifeboat. We drawn parts of a fish and labelled them. On Thursday the Dolphins walked down to Devon and Cornwall Fish Company to look around and buy some fish so that we can make fish cakes next week. On Friday we had our last visit to the library.

Another brilliant week in Year 1. The children have enjoyed reading our new book ‘How to hide a Lion in school’. We thought about all the places we could hide a lion in our school so Mr Cooper wouldn’t find it and the children came up with some brilliant ideas! On Monday we watched the talent show and we were thoroughly entertained. We are really proud of our Year 1 act as they came 2nd overall. Well done! Wednesday the class designed and built their own castles. They all created amazing castles with different defences to keep their castle protected against enemies. We hope you have enjoyed playing with them at home. We took part in the BioBlitz looking for wildlife in our pond and woods. It was amazing to see so many newts and different insects thriving in our pond. We have been following the Euro’s closely in Year 1 and we are all very excited about the final this weekend. Please look on google classroom to see pictures from this week. Have a great weekend, come on England!

Year 2 have had had fun completing a Design and Technology project this week. First, they looked at toy cars and worked out how they moved. They then looked at different ways of attaching axles to cardboard before designing their own wind-powered car. On Wednesday, they spent the day making their cars according to their design and decorating them. On Thursday they had great fun testing out their cars to see if they worked and then evaluated them to say what they would change for next time. On Tuesday, they walked to St Mary’s church to spot all the different features they had been learning about in RE and even managed to squeeze in an end of term treat of an ice-cream on the way back! On Thursday morning, they walked to the Baptist Church for an end of term Open the Book assembly which was led by the Year 6 children. This week has also included a tennis session and an outdoor session looking at different habitats around the school. An action-packed week!

In RE, Year 3 made a list of inspirational Christians and then chose an example to research on more detail. In music they began to explore the instruments of the orchestra by listening to Carnival of the Animals by Saint Saenz. Year 4 designed a Humanist naming ceremony to help them understand how major life events can be marked in a non religious way. They listened is to Peter and the Wolf by Prokofiev to further their understanding of orchestral instruments. Year 5 looked at why some people have religious faith and others not. They also considered how religious faith will impact on your life. In music, they had a chance to explore the features of Yu Studio in preparation for music creation next year. Year 6 wrote original raps which they recorded into Yu Studio and will incorporate into the arrangement of their hip hop track. They will share the final mix of their tracks in the Leaver’s assembly. In RE, they explored hymns, prayers and readings that would be suitable for a funeral.

Year 3 have had a fantastic week! In Maths, we learnt all about parallel and perpendicular lines and we also explored the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. In English, we planned and then wrote a newspaper article to report on the discovery and opening of Tutankhamun’s tomb. In Science, we planned our own investigation to find the strongest magnet. We also took part in some outdoor learning where we did some pond dipping and we searched for minibeasts using nets and pots. In PE, we continued playing tag rugby and this week we practised passing backwards. We learnt that in tag rugby you are not allowed to pass forwards and we also learnt about the offside rule. In History, we looked at some primary sources to try and discover what life was like in ancient Egypt and wrote a diary entry.

In HMS Echo (year 4) this week, the children have finished learning about statistics in Maths and are moving onto position and direction, where they will learn about plotting coordinates on a graph. In English, the children have finally finished their quest story and are spending some time publishing these by making them into a book which will be presented proudly in the corridor when they are finished. In History, the children learnt about how Britain becoming ‘the workshop of the world’ affected the lives of children. In Science, we looked at what pitch is and how sound waves show the different pitches. The children have also been having fun watching the talent show, the Rocksteady concert and also taking part in outdoor learning as part of the Bioblitz day!

Year 5 have been really busy this week completing the work for their arts award. All work will be set up in an exhibition, in the hall, and if not viewed over the weekend, parents are welcome to look at it (in the hall) from 8.30am on Monday morning. Our maths this week has been completing the end of term assessments. We listen to the author Ross Montgomery and how he wrote the book ‘I am Rebel’.

Year 6 had an amazing trip to Lundy on Tuesday – it was a little choppy but they all survived the journey. We were so lucky to see the puffins and most of the other animals that we hoped to see. They have also been working on their leavers assembly (Fri 19th July 2pm) as well as enjoying playing rounders – amongst lots of work of course! SATs results are in: your child will arrive home with an envelope (hopefully on Friday) so that you can share their success with them – we are all really proud of their achievements. Thank you for all the young photos I have been sent so far – please can send the rest in by Monday, so that I have time to put the slides together. A bag will be needed on Monday next week to take books and belongings home, please pack an extra bag if you need to. Don’t forget sailing on Monday and The Wake Park on Tuesday – a separate message will remind you of what is needed. It’s hard to believe that the last week is finally here! Please remind your children that although they will have mixed emotions next week, they need to behave respectfully so that they can enjoy their last week celebrating with their friends.

Website by Cosmic